First time shorty with EP


New member
I am gonna start this log in hopes of keeping it somewhat decent for you guys to gain some insight on. I am currently a sole custody single father and full time student so forgive me for not being as prompt as some of these other loggers.

After much discussion and anticipation I am gonna knock out a 6 week Prop/Dbol cycle before my internship begins in October.

Since not many guys on here have too much experience with shorter cycles, I figured I would make myself a lab rat and see how it works.

Current stats:

24 y/o male, 5'10, 210lbs @ 13% BF. 4th cycle.

Previous cycles: 1st, Test E @ 500mg/wk for 12 weeks - 2nd. Test E 600mg/wk & Deca 450mg/wk for 14 weeks - 3rd cycle Prop 25mg/EOD & Tren Ace 75mg/EOD.

I always run clomid 100/50/50/50 for PCT and hCG 250iu/2x week during cycle.

This is my first run with EP and after the decent reviews I have seen on here, I am hoping for a successful solid 4-5lbs on this cycle with 3500 cals a day. I will be running:

EP Prop 150mg/EOD for 6 weeks
EP Dbol 50mg/day for 5 weeks
hCG 250iu/2x Week

PCT: Clomid 100/50/50/50

Not doing much crazy here but am wanting to venture with a short cycle.

Go ahead and shoot me with some advice and adjustments if you Vets got em.
I have never run under 8 weeks so this will be my first time. I was talking to Jimi and he told me he had some good results off of some 6-8 weekers. If I don't see any success from this, well at least I learned what I can hold and what will work for me. Just wanting to see if I can benefit from switching it up and not always relying on 12-18 week cycles. Thanks for the input though Hog, I appreciate it!
Looking forward to seeing your progress! I've also been looking into Prop and Dbol so i'll be following this!
Looking forward to seeing your progress! I've also been looking into Prop and Dbol so i'll be following this!

Craza I was following your log as well. You are running EP too correct? Can never go wrong with Test, Nandrolone, and/or Dbol. I am not a guy that will ever run more than 2-3 compounds at a time, and I am kind of partial to these 3 specifically.
What made you go with 3500 calories/day? Just curious as it seems a little low considering your weight and bf%. Everyone is different but I'm 185, 13% bf and eat clean 3100/day calories off cycle.

I'll be interested to see your progress! keep us updated!
What made you go with 3500 calories/day? Just curious as it seems a little low considering your weight and bf%. Everyone is different but I'm 185, 13% bf and eat clean 3100/day calories off cycle.

I'll be interested to see your progress! keep us updated!

Radar, I used to weigh only 140 soaking wet. I have had a lot of bulk style dieting. At one point I was eating around 5,000 cals a day for a while.

After some experience with my cycles, I realized that my best gains have been when utilizing clean food with minimal carbs. Tons of good fat AM and PM and heavy carbs only pre and post workout. You can get in your daily protein and fat intake in under 2500 cals a day. I am a strict follower of John Meadows and the guys at Mountain dog and continue to learn a lot about how to eat without concentrating on calories and more on nutrient uptake.

Off cycle I can maintain perfectly with 2,000 calories a day.

I am always trying to find new ways to better my chances with progress though, so who knows. Maybe I will be back to mowing down 5k again soon lol
Day 2-

Still too early to know anything other than the smoothness of the gear.

PIP is very minimal. Placebo with Dbol has officially taken place. I can't stop eating.
Radar, I used to weigh only 140 soaking wet. I have had a lot of bulk style dieting. At one point I was eating around 5,000 cals a day for a while.

After some experience with my cycles, I realized that my best gains have been when utilizing clean food with minimal carbs. Tons of good fat AM and PM and heavy carbs only pre and post workout. You can get in your daily protein and fat intake in under 2500 cals a day. I am a strict follower of John Meadows and the guys at Mountain dog and continue to learn a lot about how to eat without concentrating on calories and more on nutrient uptake.

Off cycle I can maintain perfectly with 2,000 calories a day.

I am always trying to find new ways to better my chances with progress though, so who knows. Maybe I will be back to mowing down 5k again soon lol

Cblock, thanks for the great response. I'm always trying to better my nutrition and I'll have to do some research on John Meadows and Mountain dog. I have found over the years (the hard way) that I'm also very sensitive to Carbs. From 140 to 210 (@ 13 bf) is impressive!

Keep up the great work!

Radar, trust me I got up to 17-18% BF for a while haha. I am in my eyes a hardgainer as I am short and lanky, with a high metabolism. Mountain dog really emphasizes utilizing good fats to control and manage your metabolism to consistently digest and utilize your nutrients. Also, using an intra workout of just fast acting dextrose with 5g of creatine and 10g of BCAA's is a lot better than boosting before you lift with starch carbs, IMO.

Definitely check it out. There are some sample MD diets out there that you can tweak yourself, instead of paying John $300 to customize one just for you.