First timer and need help


New member
Hey there,

I'm thinking about doing steroids and have been working out for 5 months. I prefer orals as opposed to needles since I'm not exactly too sure how to obtain steroids in needles. If it helps I'm 26 years old.

Would you say Powerdrol-10 by Vital Labs, along with ProteX by Vital Labs as support is good? How about Post Cycle 3X by Vital Labs as a PCT and Pure Test by Finaflex to maximize post cycle therapy (pct)?

If Powerdrol is not a good choice for a beginner and you guys recommend something else, then could you please describe to me what PCT is like? I've read through people complaining how PCT sucks and I just do not want to lose my job since I might be tired all the time.
Pct is very important. If you dont take it, then you will most likely lose your gains. Its help regulate and bring your hormones back into check. Test booster wit the pct is good, helps kickstart your fellas.
My first cycle, i used xtreme dmz and it worked very good. And revolution black for the pct with a test booster
Working out for 5 months?????????????????????? WTF? You need a few years under your belt to get to your natural potential before screwing with PH/DS/AAS.........Hit the weights hard and eat a ton of food....repeat for two years, then come back and ask these questions.
Man u need yrs and yrs in the gym before u touch aas or a ph.

Also, being 26 u still have lots of natural potential left in ya.