First timer need opinions and help on cutting (first) cycle anavar test-p clen


New member
Hello All My goal is to lean down and harden up I am looking to use Anavar Test-P and Clen(have used once before) for my first cycle to cut. I Planning on staying on for Anavar and Test-P for 8 weeks and will go like this:

Anavar: 50 mgs everyday weeks 1-8
Test- P: 200 mgs every other day weeks 1-8

For my PCT and cycle aids I plan on using Novaldex and Clomid and HCG aswell as Liver Care and Arimidex. I plan on using Liquid Clen for 2 weeks on 2 off protocol at 100-120mcg during my PCT.

Now assuming the cycle above is fine, these are my questions:

1) As this is my first time using gear, how should I change my training or Should I Keep it the same as I have always been doing (Heavy 5x5 3 days and Light 8-12reps x 4sets the next 3 days)??????

2.) Since I plan on using this cycle to cut, what is the best way to maintain the gains and low bf I will get from it, Should I reverse diet and work my way up to maintenance calories????

Im sorry in advance if this questions are common newbie/first time questions I just couldn't find direct answers to these questions from previous threads. Thanks.
Are you using the Nolva and Arimidex at the same time during the cycle?? You usually won't need nolva when using Arimidex during cycle. .5mgs Arimidex mon. wed. fri. should be plenty.