FIRST TREN CYCLE - Are you experienced with tren ?

Also - do NOT run Tren E on your first tren go around. Run Tren Ace. That way when the Tren demons come to haunt your ass and you can't handle the nightmares and night sweats and torments, you can escape from it all in at least a couple days.. with Tren E, you are stuck for a week or more.

Wish I would have had that
Thanks for your feedback, Ben your a champ mate, looks like the best decision i can make here is to get a few more cycles under my belt, learn more and leave tren for down the track, im in no rush and am willing to learn, sometimes its just hard because there is all this info on test and starter cycles but its all a bit complicated with tren,

The OP did a few things right. To promote aas responsibility we should point out the good and inform of the bad. He knows what an AI is for, he knows test 2x that of deca. Yes I agree he's jumping the gun with tren, especially wanting to run it with deca. I do it, but I understand the possible issues and have prami I my bag.

And who I am is really ilrelevent. You were harsh and mean, end of story

quoting for reference, you DO NOT have to run test at 2x your deca dosage.

Wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea.

Also, if he knows what an AI is for, he'd have said he's using it, not keeping it on hand.

That and he proposed running an enth ester for 8 weeks.

If I have to correct more than 3 things in 5 lines then the person has failed the "test" of doing their own research and isn't going to get a good reply.
Hi guys,

I am currently running:

Tren 1ml eod
Test Prop 1ml eod
EQ 1ml eod

I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have been injecting in the glute but I have found the gear is sitting in the glute for a few days causing irritation (redness of the skin) / lump under skin / pain.

Im not too bothered about the pain but it is stopping me injecting on the next side when it comes to that side again.I am alternating sides but doesnt seem to breaking down in time for the next shot.

Is this normal? How can I reduce the time of the steroid staying in the injection site?

Also, im thinking of moving to the quad.... Has anyone injected Tren / Test / EQ in the quad? Ive heard mixed reviews.

Thanks guys,

Much love
quoting for reference, you DO NOT have to run test at 2x your deca dosage.

Wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea.

Also, if he knows what an AI is for, he'd have said he's using it, not keeping it on hand.

That and he proposed running an enth ester for 8 weeks.

If I have to correct more than 3 things in 5 lines then the person has failed the "test" of doing their own research and isn't going to get a good reply.

I almost replied about the Deca before reading through all the posts.. Kind of threw me off that Caravelli seriously thought that is a rule of thumb and used it in OP's defense.

Deca can be ran heavy, or it can be test heavy, or it can be even.. user preference.

Ran deca in the past and now again but not knowing how to dose Caber or Prami? Fishy. But, OP will definitely need to know this if running two 19-nors.. I get leaky quite easily with just Tren if my estrogen/prolactin aren't perfect. :D :D :D

Needs AI the entire time. If estrogen goes haywire with 19-Nor's present.. prolactin will follow suite. Simple as that.

OP your defense about setting up previous cycles successfully is garbage.. What you did was half assed technically, at least in comparison to the gold standard of good ol' ology!! You ran a 19-nor before.. but don't know about an AI or DA. Oh, and HCG! Jesus.. lol

You're literally asking to have limp dick, leaky nips, and tiny little balls without the missing ingredients listed above.. Do better!