First Tren E cycle questions - Thanks for the help in advance


New member
Hi guys, have run a few TE , Deca cycles and was about venture into the dark and magical land of Tren...
Was hoping to pick the brain of some of the boys who have the experience and knowledge a few q's

My current plan:

W1-12: Test E @ 500mg/week (pinned 250mg twice a week)
W1-8: Tren E @ 200mg/week (pinned 100mg twice a week)

Intra cycle: Arimidex @ 0.5 mg/EoD , HCG ???

post cycle therapy (pct): Week 14-17 Novla 40/40/20/20


Q1. Intra - What dose should I run HCG ?

Q2. I have been doing a bit of reading and am a bit confused on the TE: Tren E ratio as well as the dosage, there are a few sources I found that said run the Tren higher , other the TE . Also what would you reccomened it terms of dosage?

Q3. post cycle therapy (pct)/Intra : Should I add/remove/change anything? Is the 2 week break between post cycle therapy (pct) and last TE sot enough or should I increase/decrease time ?

Thanks heaps in advance guys,
Hi guys, have run a few TE , Deca cycles and was about venture into the dark and magical land of Tren...
Was hoping to pick the brain of some of the boys who have the experience and knowledge a few q's

My current plan:

W1-12: Test E @ 500mg/week (pinned 250mg twice a week)
W1-8: Tren E @ 200mg/week (pinned 100mg twice a week)

Intra cycle: Arimidex @ 0.5 mg/EoD , HCG ???

post cycle therapy (pct): Week 14-17 Novla 40/40/20/20


Q1. Intra - What dose should I run HCG ?

Q2. I have been doing a bit of reading and am a bit confused on the TE: Tren E ratio as well as the dosage, there are a few sources I found that said run the Tren higher , other the TE . Also what would you reccomened it terms of dosage?

Q3. post cycle therapy (pct)/Intra : Should I add/remove/change anything? Is the 2 week break between post cycle therapy (pct) and last TE sot enough or should I increase/decrease time ?

Thanks heaps in advance guys,

For your first run with lady tren, you may want to reconsider the ester and go with acetate. Not everyone can handle the sides and if you're one of them, the acetate ester would be metabolized quicker than the enanthate ester.

Arimidex looks good, for HCG run it 250iu 2x/wk.

The test to tren ration is very individualistic. Some recommend higher test others higher tren. Don't have enough experience to recommend dosages but as a safer bet, run tren lower than test and if wanted increase the tren dosage until sides become too much.

2wk break between post cycle therapy (pct) and test e is plenty. Your post cycle therapy (pct) should include clomid 50/50/25/25. And you WILL need a dopamine agonist on hand to fight the 19-nor sides like prami or caber
dose is too low, go with 400 mg a week, i prefer Tren A since it releases faster and you can understand how you react to the drug sooner and adjust dose quicker, but if switched to tren E id have to run at least 400. also with a higher test you must keep your E2 in cheek, this is important if you want the magic of tren as e2 prevents the de novo lipogenesis process ( you cant convert dietary carbs to fat!)
still eat clean and sweat the rest off like a water fountain

good luck
I will provide my take on the original claim that estrogen increases fat storage. In short, the answer is yes, estrogen can indeed lead to an increased rate of fat gain, BUT (and this is an important "but") it is inaccurate to suggest that any elevation of estrogen will lead to fat gain. That is a blanket statment and no different than saying "Increasing your testosterone level will build muscle". Obviously, this is not always the case. Whenever T levels rise, the "potential" for growth may increase, but this does not mean growth will occur, as there are many possible counter-regulatory signals (either endogenous or exogenous) the human body can recieve which might override estrogen's fat storage promoting effects.

Therefore, stating that high test and tren will lead to a greater rate of fat storage over low test and tren is an assumption, as it assumes that any elevation of estrogen is sufficient for over-riding all counter-regulatory mechanisms which oppose fat storage. I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that many of these counter-regulatory mechanisms are capable of over-riding estrogen's fat storage promoting effect. In fact, they are even able to cause fat loss in the face of a ski high estrogen level. This fact is easily witnessed by watching a BB'r use a bunch of aromatizable drugs during a cutting phase. Such a BB'r may indeed have a very high systematic estrogen level, yet lose an enormous amount of bodyfat by doing nothing other than cutting calories...and this is just one of many mechanisms by which lipolysis & oxidation can be induced.

Now, it will be easier to lose bodyfat when one's estrogen level is properly managed, as it will be one less factor contributing to potential fat gain, but we certainly cannot state that elevated estrogen level result in fat gain.

Progesterone counteracts the effects of estrogen on fat gain. HCG and nandrolone derivatives (such as tren) increase progesterone levels. Also, de novo lipogensis is hardly a concern. Very very specific conditions would be required for it to happen and both aren't estrogen related. dietary fat intake being less than 10% of total energy intake is one and another is MEGA-DOSING carb intake, of the magnitude 500-700g+ for days on end.
For your first run with lady tren, you may want to reconsider the ester and go with acetate. Not everyone can handle the sides and if you're one of them, the acetate ester would be metabolized quicker than the enanthate ester.

Arimidex looks good, for HCG run it 250iu 2x/wk.

The test to tren ration is very individualistic. Some recommend higher test others higher tren. Don't have enough experience to recommend dosages but as a safer bet, run tren lower than test and if wanted increase the tren dosage until sides become too much.

2wk break between PCT and test e is plenty. Your PCT should include clomid 50/50/25/25. And you WILL need a dopamine agonist on hand to fight the 19-nor sides like prami or caber

Hi Doc, thanks for your help.

Will definitely incorporate the Clomid in there, With the Caber what dosage/how long should I use / frequency of usage would you recommend ?

thanks heaps mate
dose is too low, go with 400 mg a week, i prefer Tren A since it releases faster and you can understand how you react to the drug sooner and adjust dose quicker, but if switched to tren E id have to run at least 400. also with a higher test you must keep your E2 in cheek, this is important if you want the magic of tren as e2 prevents the de novo lipogenesis process ( you cant convert dietary carbs to fat!)
still eat clean and sweat the rest off like a water fountain

good luck

Cheers for ya help Sol,

Mate you went way over my head with the bold part there ... so are you saying I should run the TE lower ie : 250 and say the Tren @ 400?
For caber, start off with .25mg 2x/wk. adjust as necessary with blood work results. If prolactin gets high bump it up another .25mg/wk.

As to the part you bolded, reread my response to it in post #4. Good luck man :)
For caber, start off with .25mg 2x/wk. adjust as necessary with blood work results. If prolactin gets high bump it up another .25mg/wk.

As to the part you bolded, reread my response to it in post #4. Good luck man :)

Thanks mate, much appreciated.

So just to summarize for the Intra/PCT:

Adex : W1-12 @ 0.5mg/EoD
HCG : W1-12 @ 250IU/twice a week
Caber : W1-12 ( or ONLY when running Tren ? ie - W1-8) @ 0.25mg/twice a week ( pending bloodwork)
Clomid : 50/50/25/25
Nolva : 40/40/20/20

Should I also add a blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for PCT?
bro if you can do tren A .75 and test p .25 ED.. its a nice cycle. i am currently running tren A 100 and test p .25 ED and Dbol 50 mg its nasty good!

tren E can fuck with your mood. using tren A ED kept me solid mental wise.

don't use any AIs unless needed.. always have them ready but don't do drugs that aren't needed i haven't used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in 3 years. and i only pct when i was a retard.. now that i know what i am doing i am big as a house. pm if you need anything I never get on here to often.
Everyone here is right bro...

Don't use Tren E for your first go... I have only used Tren E once and it is a killer when you get the sides.. takes a while to get out of your system and that waiting period feels like pure hell!!

Tren A all the way, I have used many times, and it is way better than Tren E, I don't experience any sides that are intolerable... Just make sure you keep your prolactin in check.

Good luck on your first time using "The Rolls Royce of Steroids" lol... it's powerful stuff, 5 x as anabolic and androgenic as testosterone.
I personally have only run tren e and I never experienced sides. But, the information here is corrrect. I am about to start my second test/tren cycle, and after reading I feel I need to get my hands on some caber. Good Luck with the cycle, you should love the tren it is truly amazing.
bro if you can do tren A .75 and test p .25 ED.. its a nice cycle. i am currently running tren A 100 and test p .25 ED and Dbol 50 mg its nasty good!

tren E can fuck with your mood. using tren A ED kept me solid mental wise.

don't use any AIs unless needed.. always have them ready but don't do drugs that aren't needed i haven't used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in 3 years. and i only pct when i was a retard.. now that i know what i am doing i am big as a house. pm if you need anything I never get on here to often.

Hi big man , Thank you for your advice. I tried to PM you but my account wont let me (think it has something to do with my post count even though I have been a member since 12'...)

From what I gathered from your and the other feedback will 100% stay away from Tren E. With your advise on staying away from AI's unless needed, I had a bit of gyno troubles last time I ran Deca and am a bit scared to stay completely away from AI's...

And a little confused with what you wrote about PCT's?

How do you think I will go with ?

W1-8: Tren A @ 420mcg (60 mcg ED)
W1-12: Tren E @ 250mcg
W1-8: Caber @ 0.5mg (0.25 twice a week)
W1-12: HCG @ 500IU (250IU twice a week)
W1-12: Adex....?

Thanks for your help in advance,