For the newbies who ask “what supp’s are needed”


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For the newbies who ask “what supp’s are needed”
by adidamps2

Well before supps are even considered you’ll need a few things in order first.

A solid routine that’s working for you.
if you don’t have one go to the training forum and take a good look at the stickies there. Lots of good ones posted in there.

You need a solid diet. (this is one of the biggest aspects of lifting and also one of the ones most over looked IMO next to rest) It doesn’t matter how many supps you take or how much GEAR you run, with out adequate food you are simply not going to grow. And again if you don’t have one just yet or are looking to get one, start with the diet forum. There are a lot of good Bulk diets and cutter diets posted there.

And rest. You need rest to grow. Generally 6-8 hrs is what most recommend.

After you get these down you can now move on.

1st order of bussiness "are supplements necassary/needed?"

in all honesty "NO!"..yes i said it "no"...suplements are just that, SUPPLEMENTS, all of these supplements i am goin to suggest as basics can be achieved via FOOD (except with the exception of vitamins and minerals IMO)..supplements just make things easier and are some times more convient.

With that aside, you only need a handful of supplements IMO to get started.

What’s really needed as far as basics go?

1st: whey protein powder namely a good whey iso powder, generally tends to be easier on people’s stomachs and uptake of protein is better over concentrate, however concentrate is fine (and is also less costly than iso whey’s)
trueprotien and protein factory are good places to start to find a good bulk powder. Otherwise most supplement sites have good whey powders in large packages for decent prices.

2nd: multi-vitamin, no not some cheap one a day either. Look into a good multi that has 100% natural whole food vitamins in it and not synthetic ones (look here for more info on why too get natural vitamins).. they tend to be a little more spendy but worth the few extra dollars in my opinion. (Suggestions would be animal pack, Beverly international super pac(my personal favorite), GNC mega men, and NOW ADAM)

3rd: EFA’s (essential fatty acids) fish oils and flax oils are a good source for this supplement wise
I supplement with 8grams of EFA’s a day 4grams from fish oil and 4 grams from flax oil spread through out the day. these can be found almost any were wal-mart, target and local health food stores.

4th: creatine just a good old fashion mono will work however CEE has had a lot of rave and good reviews/results also. There other types out there, but these 2 are the main creatines used by most people.

-Mono: contrary to popular belief you do not have to LOAD with it nor is high sugary intake necessary. But a lot of guys still advocate this with mono. As little as 5grams a day is necessary. But I would not suggest going over 20g a day. Typical dosage is 10g a day. look for a 100% pure micronized creatine monohydrate (or often refered to as creapure)

-CEE: no loading phase, no high sugar requirements (which means no water bloat), just a basic dose of 2-5grams a day. Should get the job done. When using CEE it is highly recommended to get a pill form as smell and taste are reported to be horrible.

**NOTE: it is exteremely important to remember to drink enough WATER while using creatine (or lifting in general)**

IMO cycling of creatine is not necessary either. But still people do it.

These 4 should get any newbie started on the basics. Hell this is all I use, except for creatine I haven’t used any form of creatine in over a yr, and I am still making solid gains in training on just protein powders, EFA’s, and multi vits.
OC Cartel said:
5. steroids
no :rolleyes:
i created this for the nebies who come on here and ask the same question almost every time "what supplements do i need" or "what supplements are the basics?"
great post brotha;

Eat, get stronger, sleep rinse repeat.

Oh yea, try to stay injury free ...and you always have to remeber if you are going balls to walls, some injuries will occur and that is part of this fun game!