Former D-1 Football Player - Quick Intro


New member

Hey everyone my name is Jordan. I am a recent college graduate with a medical degree. I played D-1 football as a Tight End. I am 6'5" and a nice (recently soft) 260.

I am here to chat up with some other health enthusiast & hopefully get solid information on Winstrol here in the Pennsylvania/Kentucky area.

I have taken Winstrol once before, but it was only for two weeks. It definitely kicked in and I really liked what I saw. Hopefully I can start again soon.

Take Care,
I am not taking anything at the moment. Definitely would like to be tho. but yes I've heard that winny is not meant to be taken alone.
Little bump on my old intro post no harm.. If anyone could give me some real good information on winstrol I will be checking my inbox a lot the next few days. Thanks Swolemates. -Jordan
cmon bro- the hit and run for sources? You will get out of here what you put into here man, in every way. 3 posts since january and fishing for a source from jump. If you are what you say you are you could be a great contributing member instead all your doing is setting yourself up to get screwed btw. Join Us for real man.
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A big welcome and let us know how we can help, lots of good peps here who know their stuff!