Frag 176-191 + GHRP-6 and maybe MTII Cycle


New member
Hey, new to the forums and have been reading for the past 2 days on peps...

I've decided to do a Frag 176-191 + GHRP-6 cycle w/ Frag @ 100mcg upon waking up, 100mcg around 4pm and GHRP-6 @ 100mcg before bed. I read that longer, 6-8 month cycles are recommended for this. Accurate?

Question: @100 mcg 3xDaily, how many 5mg vials do you guys get for full cycle?

@Juicy, your Frag/CJC cycle results sound impressive for burning BF but didn't see CJC w/o DAC on SRC...

Also, I'm probably going to experiment very carefully adding MTII to the cycle but I don't want to look quite like John Boehner :wink2: so i'll prob start w/ an initial dos @ 250mcg then bump to 500mcg from what I read here, I may not even continue this depending on how dark I get.

Pretty sure I know how to recons w/ bacw. Question: Where do you guys get the darts from? Are these all subq injections?

Also, I've never inj test but curious about doing a cycle. I've read on stacking T w/ the said peps but I'm trying to not go by the cumulative broscience here... Maybe I should just do the said peps than maybe cycle in T? And one dose of Triptorelin for my post cycle therapy (pct) based on what I've read.

5 10
185 lbs

Diet- Fish, Chicken, Tuna, and some red meat. Egg whites in the morning w/ oatmeal, protein shake omw to work, Tuna loaded salad for lunch w/ skim milk, protein bar omw home, usually eat greens w/ some form of said meat for dinner. cheat a bit on the weekends w/ burgers and such

p.s. I'll post some before/after pics on here also
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You have been researching peps for 2 years and dont know if you inject sub q? how long have you been training and what is your diet like? Peps help with reaching goals but only if you are doing everything else right.
You have been researching peps for 2 years and dont know if you inject sub q? how long have you been training and what is your diet like? Peps help with reaching goals but only if you are doing everything else right.

Toolshed, 2 days bud- not years. I was a runner/cycler and I just started lifting this past summer. Been lifting for about 4 months now. I'm at around 13% bf looking to go to 9% and i'm going to start on that cycle up there for the fat burn. My diet is fish, chicken, tuna, and some red meat. Animal pak multi every morning w/ omega 3 and natural t boosters.
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Hey, new to the forums and have been reading for the past 2 days on peps...

I've decided to do a Frag 176-191 + GHRP-6 cycle w/ Frag @ 100mcg upon waking up, 100mcg around 4pm and GHRP-6 @ 100mcg before bed. I read that longer, 6-8 month cycles are recommended for this. Accurate?

Question: @100 mcg 3xDaily, how many 5mg vials do you guys get for full cycle?

@Juicy, your Frag/CJC cycle results sound impressive for burning BF but didn't see CJC w/o DAC on SRC...

Also, I'm probably going to experiment very carefully adding MTII to the cycle but I don't want to look quite like John Boehner :wink2: so i'll prob start w/ an initial dos @ 250mcg then bump to 500mcg from what I read here, I may not even continue this depending on how dark I get.

Pretty sure I know how to recons w/ bacw. Question: Where do you guys get the darts from? Are these all subq injections?

Also, I've never inj test but curious about doing a cycle. I've read on stacking T w/ the said peps but I'm trying to not go by the cumulative broscience here... Maybe I should just do the said peps than maybe cycle in T? And one dose of Triptorelin for my PCT based on what I've read.

5 10
185 lbs

Diet- Fish, Chicken, Tuna, and some red meat. Egg whites in the morning w/ oatmeal, protein shake omw to work, Tuna loaded salad for lunch w/ skim milk, protein bar omw home, usually eat greens w/ some form of said meat for dinner. cheat a bit on the weekends w/ burgers and such

p.s. I'll post some before/after pics on here also

I love peptides!!! I normally run them at least 3 months, max is 6 for me, depending on what I'm running. I prefer CJC 1295 and Imparelin (since the GHRP's cause me to retain too much water and cause a lot of hunger). I havent tried Frag though. I also really like melanotan 2, I started with 250 ed and upped it to 500 ed - you're not gonna get super dark just from taking it. If you want to get darker, tanning while on it helps.

I get my sharps from a local pharmacy... and as for not seeing cjc w/out DAC, look again.

As for test - I think you need to do more research on that, but I will tell my my husband runs prop and he loves the results, good lean gains (except doesnt like the painful injections 4 times a week).

And it's perfectly safe to stack them, however you shouldnt take all that at once the first time since you dont know how your body will react - that's why it's recommended to do Test only for a 1st cycle (or just do the peptides).

Really it depends on what your trying to do (what your goals are) as to deciding what to cycle. And if your diet and exercise is on point. And how you can tolerate the side effects.
You can get everything you need from RUI Products, the sponsor here. CJC w/out dac is cjc-1293

Thanks for clarifying that. I decided to go w/ SRC. Better prices and everyone seems to have learned good quality from them also. Thank you for your post, tooth.
I love peptides!!! I normally run them at least 3 months, max is 6 for me, depending on what I'm running. I prefer CJC 1295 and Imparelin (since the GHRP's cause me to retain too much water and cause a lot of hunger). I havent tried Frag though. I also really like melanotan 2, I started with 250 ed and upped it to 500 ed - you're not gonna get super dark just from taking it. If you want to get darker, tanning while on it helps.

I get my sharps from a local pharmacy... and as for not seeing cjc w/out DAC, look again.

As for test - I think you need to do more research on that, but I will tell my my husband runs prop and he loves the results, good lean gains (except doesnt like the painful injections 4 times a week).

And it's perfectly safe to stack them, however you shouldnt take all that at once the first time since you dont know how your body will react - that's why it's recommended to do Test only for a 1st cycle (or just do the peptides).

Really it depends on what your trying to do (what your goals are) as to deciding what to cycle. And if your diet and exercise is on point. And how you can tolerate the side effects.

Thanks for the AWESOME post! So much more informative and helpful than the former. Cheers.
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