Frequency of sustanon 250


New member
I am currently on my second cycle of sust 250 and eq. I have always taken it twice a week and have been very satisfied with it. Unfortunately I have had to take a job where I will not be able to continue taking it twice a week. I will only have access to it once a week. I'm less that half way though my cycle right now and would like to see it through to the end. So my question is, does anyone see a problem with this? If so do you have any advice? I'm taking 1ml of sust and 1ml of eq every poke, should I take more to make up for the missed day? Thanks in advance for your help.
Welcome mate !

IDEALLY to fully take advantage of the prop ester 1 of 4 contained with sust a jab every 48 is ideal but 2 a week standard and A JOB IS MORE important than some barely noticeable hormonal fluctuation s so jab ur way any way u can.
Pinning one cc of each compound once a week compared to one cc of each compound twice per week is a big difference. You're cutting your mgs of test and eq in half which really wouldn't be much of a cycle at all. 500mgs of test per week is a good cycle. Bumping up your eq dose to 600mgs per week would be the sweet spot. Eq is a very longer ester compound so running it for 14+ weeks isn't uncommon...
Tbone ur exactly right as usual ; however I read the OP s dilemma as he ll keep the DOSE the same just the pinning will be 1 a week due to work allowing his pinning window s limited to ONE TIME A WEEK.
I call bullshit can only pin once a week? ??? What you can't just pre load and just take a syringe? Get one sent were you going posted ahead of time? ? Common man were there's s will theres a way
Once a week is how sustanon was designed to be taken. Youbare wasting your time with eq that shit needs to be ran way higher.
Tbone ur exactly right as usual ; however I read the OP s dilemma as he ll keep the DOSE the same just the pinning will be 1 a week due to work allowing his pinning window s limited to ONE TIME A WEEK.

Just covering the bases with info received. Not wanting to assume, op seems like he wanted to do a shorter cycle with the wrong gear. Sust and eq are for cycles with patience in mind.
OH yes T bone.!!!
And Blakely has a good point too. I pre deploy my gear when oversea s if AAS are not e z to get like mama s in the Fatherland , Germany for instance . ( but that s where my G-Practitioner s rx pad come s in sooooo darn
I highly recommend anyone who can get a script from their doc, a trt clinic w ever as some countrie s custom s are so unforgiving. In like say Jordan or Yemen or Afghan or Mexico you can get 4 bottles aspirin, 6 pencil s, 3 condom s , 4 bottle s of test and a ....comb, no problem.
Once a week is how sustanon was designed to be taken. Youbare wasting your time with eq that shit needs to be ran way higher.

Exactly, this is the point of so many esters in the blend. I read post about taking it every other day and just want to slam my head against the wall. A muti ester blend is not meant to be ran as often as the fastest acting ester. Its purpose is to give an even amount of hormone throughout.

OP, if you can only pin once per week, double your dose(in your case, take 2ml of each) and you will be fine. I've done this dozens of times with no issues. Personally, I would recommend choosing a single ester and pin accordingly. It woould seem that in your case, cyp or enan would be the better choice
Thanks for all the input! As for calling bullshit on me being only able to pin once per week, I'm flying in and out of camp and they do random searches for drugs.. I just want to play it safe at least at the start. So what I'm getting is I should basically up my dose to 2 cc of sust....and eq is a waste of time? lol well I already have it so I might as well use it.
I call bullshit can only pin once a week? ??? What you can't just pre load and just take a syringe? Get one sent were you going posted ahead of time? ? Common man were there's s will theres a way

I'm flying in and out of camp and have been told they do random searches for drugs...I just don't want to risk anything right away.
Just covering the bases with info received. Not wanting to assume, op seems like he wanted to do a shorter cycle with the wrong gear. Sust and eq are for cycles with patience in mind.

My cycle was originally planned to last 16 weeks. How long is a standard sust and eq cycle supposed to be?
My cycle was originally planned to last 16 weeks. How long is a standard sust and eq cycle supposed to be?

That's a good length. Make sure to keep using test for atleast 2 weeks longer then eq so that the eq has cleared out when you start pct..
Thanks for all the input! As for calling bullshit on me being only able to pin once per week, I'm flying in and out of camp and they do random searches for drugs.. I just want to play it safe at least at the start. So what I'm getting is I should basically up my dose to 2 cc of sust....and eq is a waste of time? lol well I already have it so I might as well use it.

Nobody said eq is a waste of time your dose is
I'm flying in and out of camp and have been told they do random searches for drugs...I just don't want to risk anything right away.
So its fifo work i would think they would be searching for narcotics not aas just throw a vial in your toilet bag and syringes with something else tips somewhere else
Or do you have a po box at base ?
I don't think you will have any issues a normal guy glancing at a bottle of sust wouldn't have a clue what there looking at as long as its no green and smelly or white crystals should be good
Thanks for all the input! As for calling bullshit on me being only able to pin once per week, I'm flying in and out of camp and they do random searches for drugs.. I just want to play it safe at least at the start. So what I'm getting is I should basically up my dose to 2 cc of sust....and eq is a waste of time? lol well I already have it so I might as well use it.
2cc 1x a week is fine but 1-2cc of eq a week is a waste as it is... takes alot and time and EQ i feel is a waste of asteroid. slightly more test and AI would give more and similar feel IMO, so maybe im bias because i am not a fan of eq. id for for maste, deca or even primo before eq.. maybe just go with 3cc of test? optimal. iv done sust eod, 3x a week 2x a week 1x a week. 1-2x a week was minimal diff IMO. eod is stupid IMO, get prop if you are going to go that way and unless being tested prop and pining eod is dump in my opinion (no offense guys )
Getting down to brass tacks there is nothing wrong with Pining Once a week. Get your total week dose and do it in one sitting / one day however you want to load your syringes. 1cc or 2cc or 3cc whatever makes no difference OP.

Fvck all this technical time frames and shit. I mean i'll be the first to say do it twice or whatever to keep even levels by the week and to pin EOD when the ester calls for it. BUT my God for years with enanthate or Cypionate I used to pin once a week. Only the short ester water base compounds did I do EOD or ED

In the grand scheme and at the end of a cycle you won't realize a shit bit of difference. ( the long esters) IMOP and my experience.
Awesome guys! I really appreciate all the input. I'm just going to take my weekly total in the one day then. Thanks everyone.