from anabolic to pro hormone


New member
Sup bros been on the aas regime but now for the Nypd medical I wana steer clear until I'm in the clear, straight up no BS what is the best pro hormone cycle for the summer .... and I'm hearing pcts for this natural stuff!?? Little help on that as well


Test prop, trenA, eq, Anavar (var) would be my summer cycle
So some pro hormone cycle along those lines would be helpful
For those of you who are un aware of aas types then in lame terms I want some type of pro hormone that will help me build muscle without bloating me, and something that will not come up in an Nypd steroid test thanks alot boys

(Btw I am not some first time lifter so please don't feed me crap, thanks! )
you'll test positive if you're on a PH just like "real" AAS. almost all of the PHs out are steroids that were long forgotten (because they no longer served a purpose in medicine) and brought back because they can build mass.

stick to food and vitamins if you don't want to fail a piss test... if you think they're actually going to test you...
you'll test positive if you're on a PH just like "real" AAS. almost all of the PHs out are steroids that were long forgotten (because they no longer served a purpose in medicine) and brought back because they can build mass.

stick to food and vitamins if you don't want to fail a piss test... if you think they're actually going to test you...

The test they'll be looking into is for narcotics. And the OP needs to be working on his natty levels, keeping his organs healthy, jogging and calisthenics for a police academy, not trying to look buff and vascular.
Lol f3 , yes I am not a big fan of the "natural steroids" neither, go big or go home, but in my case its go clean and get on a great paying job (after 5 years) with awsome benifits. And since im 21 it woulf Be great to be juiced out and be set. I will just stack my amino acid and hope for a speedy drug test
Spend half a year off the steroids man. Just chill, relax, use some natty supps to help you feel good in the gym. Steroids are not everything, and if your going for something legit its not worth the risk.

PH's will still pop you on a test.
Lol f3 , yes I am not a big fan of the "natural steroids" neither, go big or go home, but in my case its go clean and get on a great paying job (after 5 years) with awsome benifits. And since im 21 it woulf Be great to be juiced out and be set. I will just stack my amino acid and hope for a speedy drug test

Forget about the big boy weights son, u need to be working on ur pushups,pullups,sit ups,moutain climbers,squat thrust and RUNNING. Walk in there jacked and u will drop like a bad habit. Ur to young to be juicing, work on ur natty levels and health 1st. Dem calesthenic ghetto boys in the ny hood will be waiting for u post graduation :-)
You're 21? Pretty young to be juicin' in the first place. Anyways, you could look into the andro series by primordial performance if you're interested in something. Pretty sure those are all DSHEA compliant.

Good luck with the polygraph. Not sure if NYPD still does it though. Best of luck to you bro!