From Scrawny to Skinny


New member
Beginning of my log.

I'm 1 week into a Test Cyp only cycle. 200mg twice a week. This is my first cycle and I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not doing this cycle to improve my physique for competition level. You guys that do that have all my respect for your discipline. I'm doing this cycle to gain a little size, but overall for strength. You can say that this is a job specific cycle. Everything that I'm hoping to gain from this cycle is to improve my ability within my career. I know I'm going to get a lot of remarks about this and that, but once again this is job specific. Although I wish to walk around at 200lbs plus, it just isn't feasible for me. I hope you stick around to see the progress.

Ill be following.

Is that a current pic?What are your entire stats?
Your very lean but have good development.With this cycle of cyp@ 400mg wk you should def see some growth by week 3-4.But what you take from this cycle looking for size and strength you diet and training will be key.

Eat big train big and you will grow.
Use the big 3-squats,deadlifts and bench press
Drew, that pic was from today. It's the 1 week pic. I had to take a pic since when I hopped on the scale I was up 7 lbs. I couldn't believe it. Not too sure why the jump already. I'm 5'10 and 160lbs. I know, I know. I've battled weight forever. I guess some people just don't get good genetics like you.

The big 3 have become a huge part of my routine now, thanks to Mark Rippetoe. We'll see where things go from here.
the jump in weight has nothing to do with the cyp,its just to early.You might get whats call the plecbo effect and start to feel something very early thats natural and use it to your benefit.But saturation of blood plasma level have just not been reach for the synthetic hormone to make any changes at this point-week 1

Good those 3 compound movents should really be a staple in every routine.They will trigger the body to grow more so than any other iso-exercises.
Really have the bottom half of your body take priority in your training and you will see the strength and growth com a lot quicker.

Give the board a complete run down of your stats and training/cycle history for further help.

Good luck pal,ill be watching.
Thanks Drew. I know it's way too early for the Test, but like you said, I'll use it to my advantage. I'll take whatever I can get.

Stats: I'm a virgo, father of 2...just kidding
AGE: 26
HT: 5'10"
WT: 160lbs
BF%: 11%
Diet: I'm not in the states so pretty much whatever I can get. It's super dirty though. Roughly 3000-3200 cals
Been working out for about 6 years. Was an avid runner prior to. The last 2 years have been much harder training. Pretty much reached that plateau. Recently discovered the BIG 3 and began incorporating it more into the routine. Dropped all my weights and started working on perfecting my form about 2 weeks ago.
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At 5'10" you really need help with your diet if your only 160lbs.
Jump over the diet forum and hook up with 3J
You prolly should be eating about 1000+ more cals a day
A Quick Update

I'm at the 4 week mark. Things are going really well. So far, no major issues, just super sensitive nipples. All my measurements have gone up between 1-2 inches. Really making progress on strength, also. Here are some updated pics.




nice job bro! Will stick around here, what's your routine like? and diet? We are looking for the same goal just to get some more strength but have not started my cycle still learning from the very good guys here

Keep posting pics and progress on your lifts

Good luck!
I do 3 days on and 1 day off.

Day 1-Chest and Back:Flat bench, Incline, Decline, Deadlifts, Lat Pulldowns...
Day 2-Arms and Shoulders:Curls, Cable work, Weighted Dips, Shrugs, Overhead Press...
Day 3-Lowerbody/Legs:Squats, Leg Press, Calf Raises...
Day 4-Off
Thanks for the compliments bro. I've really been busting my ass, so I'm glad to hear that it's paying off. -Live Large
Thanks Nate.

Good eye Chris. I'm suprised you didn't refer to it as the SR25/MK11 Mod0. But yeah, it's a decent system. Still prefer bolt action though(M24 & MK13). This one is just to play around with.
I no expert but I would think you should be running a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you nips are super sensitive
I have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, but don't see the point in running it for only sensitive nips. AI's are usually reserved for controlling gross gyno. No point in using it to relieve a little sensitivity issue. If I did, I wouldn't be able to tell if there were any other issues I might have run into during my cycle.