Fruit For Breakfast after Cardio


6 Months In...
Hey Guys,

I'm currently cutting and looking for a little advice. Hope this isn't too similar to another thread, but the question is:

I've just started doing 45 mins cardio at 7am 4 days per week. Afterwards I have a Whey Protein Shake + 1/2 cup of oats 50/50 semi-skimmed milk/water with a banana. Same for days I don't do cardio.

Should I cut out the banana to stop the insulin spike on both/either days? Does this spike affect the buring fat process?

I agree with Dirk...those liquid calories will kill you when trying to cut, avoid juice sports drink ect also, drink water primarily, diet soda and crystal light help.
also argees. dairy will give you a soft look so to speak. not what anybody really wants but esp. not if your trying to cut.
Thanks for the responses guys.

I had oats this morning with just water - not too bad tbh. Also dropped the banana and had a small amount of sugar free jam - is this acceptable or should I just suck it up and eat the oats plain?

I never touch sports drinks - hate them. I have been having a dextrose in my PWO shake though. Is that OK?

As for the water, I'm taking on board at least 3 litres per day and 2 or 3 cups of Green Tea.
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The insulin spike is what you need after draining your body, the only time it's good is for breakfast and post workout. I would stick with the banana it has nothing bad for you in it. The sugars are good, the proteins are good, the carbs/cals will all be used in a positive way by your body. Sports drinks are very good post work out, not sure how it would do if you're trying to compete but as far as for your body they are great. Try to understand your body needs sugars after work outs as well and wont likely store them as fat. Dextrose is glucose and is important as well, you got to have those monosaccharides. You maybe missing out on fructose and galactose if you cut the milk or banana. I would definitely cut the milk before the banana as someone mentioned earlier. Not to twist your mind but with the protein pwo you're probably forming a good amount of glucose by way of gluconeogenesis as well. All of this is ok for postwork out, but definitely not good any other time.
what i do is mix my choc flavoured pro shake with water.... then pour that onto my oats instead of water. .......Choc flavoured oats :)
I have a PWO shake with Dex and Whey after hitting the weights, but as I'm trying to shed this last few stubborn lbs of fat from my stomach and back, I didn't want to stop the fat burning process to early by having fruit for the meal directly after cardio in the morning.

To see out the rest of my cutting stage, which I reckon has another 2-3 weeks to run, would you guys go with Oats in water with a banana or sugar free jam?