Fuck GreenDot

Mike Oxbig

New member
About a month ago I tried GreenDot. I asked for the 'MoneyPak' card at the store and apparently was given the wrong one. I had to go on their website and enter my personal information; including my social security number.

I entered fake information and got a message saying the card was canceled and they would send a refund check. I called the next day and was told I needed to e-mail a copy of my SS card/drivers license and it would be sent once verified.

About 10 days later I called to see why I didn't get my check and was told my drivers license/SS card was verified but I now needed to e-mail the receipt, which I did the same day.

A week later and still no check, I call and they said it was mailed out on Monday which was a day or two prior to that specific date.

About another week later(2 days ago) I called and they said it was never mailed out because they haven't received copies of my drivers license/SS card/receipt yet. Moreover, they deleted the entire case from their database because I "waited too long to send my information."

At this point I about lost it, these assholes not only screwed me over with their incompetence but they had intentions of keeping my $350. I about lost it at this point. I had to sit on the phone for 15 minutes while they created an entire new case. I re-sent my information on the latter part of that business day and paid $20 to have it shipped overnight. I called mid-afternoon yesterday and these fucks hadn't even verified my information yet, which is simply the act of entering my name, address, SS number, and waiting a couple seconds for the database to process it.

I needed the money by this Friday. On top of screwing up things for me immensely I now look like an irresponsible asshole. I made commitments based on the assumption that I would receive my $350 within a months time, which was apparently setting the bar a bit too high.

In short, fuck GreenDot. I'm going to follow up tomorrow afternoon. If it still isn't in the mail I'm going to rage beyond belief.