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Hey how is everyone doing. I am looking for advice on a stack im currently designing. I do sport specific training at a facility with a personal trainer and im looking for a stack that will give me good quality gains but still keep me athletic. I am 21, 5'11, 210 pounds, Have a BF% in the mid teens. I have a very regimented diet and ive done my research thus far. I want to eventually get to 240-250ish but im willing to do this over 2-3 cycles. I am thinking of running Testosterone Propionate at 500mg/week for 10 weeks along with Anavar (money is not an issue and i plan on buying enough to run at 80 MG/day, i am however going to ease into the 80 mg starting at 30 mg and working up in increments of 10 to establish my tolerance) The test prop and anavar was my original plan but i recently started looking into Masteron and it fits what im looking for as far as low sides, gets out of your system relatively quickly and you tend to keep most of your gains.

So i guess my questions are
1. Does anyone see any problems running all three at the same time.
2. realistically with a great diet and heavy training what am i looking at as far as gains
3. Is there any other steroids that im missing that might be able to help me out
4. Complete tangent from the previous questions but i figured i would ask here instead of starting a new thread -Can someone clarify how much would you have to do before you start to over train? I train 5 days a week in the early mornings and its mostly conditioning and HIIT. I wanted to see what peoples opinions on maybe throwing in 3 heavy lift days most likely monday,wednesday,friday later in the afternoons after i had some time to rest. After training i dont have a stressfull or demanding job so I get to relax quite a bit if that factors in at all.

Appreciate the advise!
1. I don't see any problem with running the test and Anavar, but i found Masteron rather disappointing. You will hear many people say Masteron is best used if your fat percentage is like 7% and below. I had around 14% bf and found this to be true. I have several friends that compete and they said the same thing from experience.

2. If your putting down alot of calories you'll have no problem putting on a good amount of weight. I played college football and it sounds like your doing similar agility training to what i did. I grew great off 500mg test cycles and im 6'3 260. I"ve never tried Anavar yet though because its ridiculously priced from my current sources

3. I think the Test and Anavar is solid.

4. As for the overtraining, everybodys different so i'd say go by how you feel.