Funny Email

Omega- if it really bothered you or offended you , sorry I thought it was funny

or if your just pulling my chain, pull harder its attatched to my nipples
Ive gotten some random shit like that from postint at Chad Nichol's site, I just DEL it. Half the time by the time I check my PMs they are already banned.

Prices from china trippled and its too much? Sounds fishy to me.
Captainpiddles said:
Omega- if it really bothered you or offended you , sorry I thought it was funny

or if your just pulling my chain, pull harder its attatched to my nipples

:) lol

just pulling
I think Easto is a scammer!!!!! Its been 2 hours since I sent him my money for a Titianium membership here...he said he would forward it to Milhouse at the Bathouses.. and still no Titanium Membership for me............ :(
I got one yesterday looking for a source...hmmm..and through a pm for that matter....maybe at 450 plus posts instead of stars we get something that says.."source info"..with jail bars above it.....:D

thefantom1 said:
I think Easto is a scammer!!!!! Its been 2 hours since I sent him my money for a Titianium membership here...he said he would forward it to Milhouse at the Bathouses.. and still no Titanium Membership for me............ :(

Don't sweat it, Fantom. Once Millie gets on one of his legendary batthouse benders, he's usually persona non grata for at least a week. Just give him a few more days. He'll eventually stumble back home, all upset that his ass had been used as a dartboard for the last seven days and you can PM him. He'll need some comapnionship then, anyway. Good luck
thefantom1 said:
I think Easto is a scammer!!!!! Its been 2 hours since I sent him my money for a Titianium membership here...he said he would forward it to Milhouse at the Bathouses.. and still no Titanium Membership for me............ :(
