future cycle planning help please


on my way
Hi guys

I am new around here but I understand how it works so before I ask my question, here are the stats:
age 23
height 1.77m
weight 80kg (cut down from 85)
training time 4 years, but only last 15 months have been serious with diet etc
cycle history 1 (test e 500mg/week and dbol 30mg/day first 4 weeks)
bench 110kg
squat 160kg
deadlift 240kg

diet around 2000 cal clean (on a cut)

Now my question. I am thinking of running a cycle soonish. It will look something like this:
weeks 1-10 test prop @ 100mg eod
weeks 1-6 tren ace @ 50mg ed
arimidex 0.5mg eod
caber on hand

pct will be
nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/50/50/50

What do you recommend I do with the caber? Also I understand I would need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but I do not have a source for that. Unless I can find one around here, but I understand I am new and that is very unlikely. Does this cycle look alright? Anything I should change or any suggestions? I am going to run this after my cut to get some lean mass as I want to keep the fat down. Is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) absolutely necessary for a tren cycle? I don't want to be in a recovery state for too long as I may switch to strongman training soon, so I will need my strength back.

Thanks for any help guys, really appreciate it
HCG is not absolutely necessary but is recommended. It will enhance the recovery process especially if you're running tren. Be prepared for a lengthy recovery anyhow as tren is a very potent compound and will shut you down hard. It took me a long time to bounce back. Caber is no fun either. I couldn't use it it made me feel very sick.
Seeing as how it's your second cycle i'd generally advise against tren and say get another solid cycle or two under your belt. However the dosages you're doing don't seem to be on the high side so 350mg of prop and tren weekly seems about right for somebody testing the waters. However I don't know why you're doing prop 100mg eod when your doing tren 50mg daily? Honestly i'd just pull 1/2ml of prop and 1/2 ml of tren and just do that inject every day so you don't have to do a .5ml injec one day and then a 1.5ml the other, plus it'll keep your test levels a little better. With the caber run around .25mg mon/thursday and if you're still getting heavy prolactin sides or your nipples are leaking up it to .25mg mon/.5mg thursday. If that still doesn't work you can do .5mon and .5 thursday but you shouldn't need more than 1mg caber weekly.

On a side note i'd also reccomend aromasin over adex (PERSONALLY) since it is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meaning you can't get estrogen rebound and it tends to interfere a little less with the cycle than adex. Other than that the cycle looks relatively solid and if you didn't do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle go ahead and blast it before you go into your PCT to get your buddies up and running after such a hard shut down.

thanks for the help man. will test levels be more stable if i do it this way? as i understand prop is done eod or e3d, but everyday does make it a bit simpler. and with the caber should i run .25mg straight from the first week or only once i get sides? i am a bit worried about the leaking bit, since i have some gyno from teen years ( i was a bit chubby haha). arimidex seemed to do the trick last cycle and i had some left over, that's the only reason i'm using it. aromasin is not easy to find around here, especially because of the price
My advice is to try deca before tren, that way you can see how your body will react to a 19-nor. That's just my .02, you will still see great results and you will get more cycle experience. You could go with npp if looking for a shorter ester as well.
Diet will be the key factor on if this is a lean bulk.
i'll have a look at the RUI products. i hope i can get it past customs lol.

and uso i tried getting my hands on npp but my source got mad because he believes deca will do the same thing and it's easier to get. he doesn't understand that i want a short ester, so i just got some tren a. i will use the same cutting diet i am currently on, just up the servings a bit. especially the carbs. i doubt i'll have heavy prolactin sides, i normally don't have many moods and emotions if you know what i mean. but we'll see how it goes!

thanks for the help guys!
Hope it goes well, good thing with tren ace is if sides are too harsh it's quick out of the system.
If you do test ED with any ester, no matter what it is you will have more stable levels than if you did it in more doses over longer period. If you do 50mg daily you're taking in the exact same amount that you would if you were doing 100mg eod - except since putting it in your body every day it would be a lot more stable than if you did it eod it would drop a little more before you put in your next pin. At this point it wouldn't matter a whole lot but i'd bet putting 1ml daily instead of going on 1.5ml on some would be a lot more comfortable.

thanks for clearing that up. never thought of it that way but i will be pinning ed.

i can pin quads, glutes and delts. would this be okay? i heard tren is quite painful and i'm a tradie so i need to be able to walk haha