Fyre and other diet gurus......cutter


New member
Ok I posted my diet before and have made a few changes based on opinion...How does this look now?...I was told by a few that I am eating too many carbs however while consuming this many carbs for the first few weeks on diet I leaned up a tad but was doing no cardio..Now I am doing cardio 3-4 times a week for 30 min on treadmill at incline..(brisk walk) and taking Thermorexin and R-ALA...ok sorry for the ramble...here goes...

6am......1/2 cup oatmeal with little sugar free syrup or cinnamon and 2 scoop of ON protein shake in water

9am...3/4 cup (cooked) brown rice and 8 oz chicken breast

12:00pm same as above

3pm....2 scoops of ON protein in water with either 1tbsp flax or 1/4 cup almonds

6pm....8oz chicken breast and 1/4 cup almonds


9:30...scoops ON protein in either 8oz milk or water and 80g of dextrose..

usually do not eat any more and bed about 12am..Main concern is if my carbs are too high. I am 5'10 242 lbs and prob 20%....
This breaks down to about:
2050 calories.....247g pro......195g carbs....52.5g fat....
Maybe I should add more protein and drop to about 100-150g carbs?....I am also planning on carb up every 4th day....would 300g be good for a carb up day?.....Diet is beg to frustrate me a bit but im not giving up till I get it right on and dialed in...lol...Any help is greatly appreciated!
well sir, i'm no guru... just a humble peon who likes to think he can help out where he can so if u still want to listen than lend an ear friend :)

I think maybe ur calories might be too low for ur weight. I mean I think you should be able to cut on around 2500 but that's just me
I'm not sure how old u are but let's assume you're 25
that would make ur RMR at around 2090 and i don't think it's wise to drop ur daily caloric intake lower than ur RMR

Stick to a ratio of around 40/40/20
also maybe you'll need mroe carbs before your training rather than the fat in the almonds

i wouldn't have milk with my post workout shake but i would have something an hour after your post workout shake, maybe some cottage cheese or a protein blend.

anyway i'll leave the rest to the experts
bones93 said:
Ok I posted my diet before and have made a few changes based on opinion...How does this look now?...I was told by a few that I am eating too many carbs however while consuming this many carbs for the first few weeks on diet I leaned up a tad but was doing no cardio..Now I am doing cardio 3-4 times a week for 30 min on treadmill at incline..(brisk walk) and taking Thermorexin and R-ALA...ok sorry for the ramble...here goes...

6am......1/2 cup oatmeal with little sugar free syrup or cinnamon and 2 scoop of ON protein shake in water

9am...3/4 cup (cooked) brown rice and 8 oz chicken breast

12:00pm same as above

3pm....2 scoops of ON protein in water with either 1tbsp flax or 1/4 cup almonds

6pm....8oz chicken breast and 1/4 cup almonds


9:30...scoops ON protein in either 8oz milk or water and 80g of dextrose..

usually do not eat any more and bed about 12am..Main concern is if my carbs are too high. I am 5'10 242 lbs and prob 20%....
This breaks down to about:
2050 calories.....247g pro......195g carbs....52.5g fat....
Maybe I should add more protein and drop to about 100-150g carbs?....I am also planning on carb up every 4th day....would 300g be good for a carb up day?.....Diet is beg to frustrate me a bit but im not giving up till I get it right on and dialed in...lol...Any help is greatly appreciated!

If that seems to be working for you, then stick with it for a bit and see how you feel. I would change the post workout shake to water with the dextrose not milk.
I would also suggest still having a cup of cottage cheese and some efa's before bed.
I would also suggest changing up your preworkout meal, you need some carbs in there. I like to have some oats before i train and a little protein(i usually have a scoop of whey with my oats)
Ok.....so I am going to change the PW shake to water and how about if I take out the rice form the 9am meal and instead of having almonds before I work out I will add rice or oats to the pre work out meal....I will also work on adding in a meal before bed too.....
Thanks for the opinions on this,.....any more are welcome....Only cndiments I use are soy sauce on chicken some times or salsa ....Thanks again for the help
Fyre with your Pre WO oats, I remember you saying you ate them with splenda? Is that right?> how much do you have? better yet, could you post what you eat on a typical day (when you are cutting) ??

Thanks a lot
Prana said:
Fyre with your Pre WO oats, I remember you saying you ate them with splenda? Is that right?> how much do you have? better yet, could you post what you eat on a typical day (when you are cutting) ??

Thanks a lot

Hey Prana. Here's an idea of how I eat pretty much every day. I don't really diet to be honest with you as I have a pretty fast metabolism. I may add in a fat burner if I'm trying to cut but I don't change my diet a whole heck of a lot.

Meal 1: 8 egg whites w/hot sauce
1 cup cooked oats with splenda and cinnamon

Meal 2: 2 scoops of whey isolate with 1 tablespoon udo's
(with water)(sometimes I'll have two tablespoons of oil)

Meal 3: Can of Tuna and a potato and usually some red pepper rings

Meal 4: Chicken Breast and a potato(sometimes i'll try to gag some rice down, but I really don't like rice)

Meal 5: 1 scoop of whey isolate with water
1 cup of cooked oats with splenda and cinnamon

Meal 6: 1 scoop of whey isolate with 3 scoops of plasmavol(creatine/dextrose cocktail)
(This is my post workout shake)

Meal 7: 8 egg whites and 1 whole egg
(i usually make an omelette and put a ton of veggies in it and have some salsa or hot sauce with it)

Meal 8: 1 cup of cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of udo's oil.

That's typically how i eat everyday. Depending on the days that I do my heavy bag work, I will generally add in some extra calories. :)
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wow Fyre, that's a lot of food! as you with rice, chicken has been known to make me gag.. thanks for the post.
Prana said:
wow Fyre, that's a lot of food! as you with rice, chicken has been known to make me gag.. thanks for the post.

You know it's funny cuz sometimes i'm still hungry....lol
My last meal(the cottage cheese) is usually around 10pm and sometimes I"ll wake up at 1 or 2 am hungry, so I'll go and make up a protein shake, then go back to sleep....hehehe