Gaining good mass!


New member
Im 17 years old nearly 18 in a month!! I have just finished my first course of deca and sus which i took for eight weeks finshed with two weeks on clomid. I gained around two stone. I weighed a mear 135 pound before (10stone) and now weigh 165 pound (12stone). Im going to have two months off then go back on.

My diet is normaly like this.

meal one 7.00am

Protein shake
2 large bananas.

meal two 11.00am

1 can of tuna
2 bananas
1 pint of milk

meal three 12.00am

2 medalion steak
cotage cheese
3 boiled eggs

meal four 5.00pm

1 protein shake
1 can of tuna and mayo (light)
1 large jacket potatoe

This is what im going to eat for the two months of i go to the gym every night except wednesday and saturday and sunday as these are my rest days.

Any suggetions would be great thanks!

I no you will say your body is still growing but im pritty serious! i have a large amount of deca and i am able to get hold of dbol and winstrol and anadrol can yo give me any good second course info aswell thanks.
you don't even know your natural max potencial yet. you should be able to make gains
well into your 20's before you even start using..imo and your not going to gain that much with what your eating you need to eat a lot more carbs than that a day
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gear aside, diet needs some help

you need some oatmeal, brown rice, yams, whole wheat bread for carbs, not just bananas.

why stop eating at 5pm? eat two more meals.
Mate you really need to knock th gear on the head until you have got a good diet and put on a lot more weight and got alot older.
Have a look at the suggested diet on the " The Bulking Primer - Lean Mass Outline & Sample Diet " you will need to adjust it to suit but it really works.
You shouldn't be taking any gear yet.

Why don't you take advantage of your age? At your age, endogenous test production is hightest.
You're to young to be messing with your hormones, and your bones could still be growing.
Hear advice from this forum and you'll learn a lot.
Not smart at all.
And you must eat complex carbohydrates. Bananas are not the answer. Eat a lot of oats, rice, potato.
Where is multivitamin and multimineral? Olive oil? or fish oil?
Dont mess up with your health boy.
hrmmm...rules are that you need to be 18 to even be on the forum, but (in the US, at least) you are legally 30 days older than you actually are, so maybe the mods can let this one pass so that we can slam you for being such a stupid kid. You give steroids a bad name because your use of them was TOTALLY inappropriate.