Gallon of water?


New member
I am taking creatine and some people told me that you have to drink a gallon of water with it. Is this true?
Shrek211 said:
I am taking creatine and some people told me that you have to drink a gallon of water with it. Is this true?

Creatine allows your muscles to hold more water in them, so it would seem that if you were in a state of dehydration, creatine wouldn't work as well as if you were fully hydrated.

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it, but try to work your way up to several glasses of water a day. Drink 4oz of water at the top of every hour for half the day. If you can remember to do that for a week, up the amount to 6oz, and then 8oz. There are 128oz in a gallon.

The math is up to you.