Well-known member
I thought I would share some general info on injections for the newbies that have such a hard time and seem to fear the worst or get scared when they have some typical unwanted issues happen when they pin.
As it is obvious I am not new to this. pin shoulders , glutes and now pectoral's. I have several times done quads but don't like quad injections. FOR ME. Now I know how to do this correctly but this is what happens. I seem to always seem to nick a nerve and I quiver and the injection hurts all thru-out. Many time I squirt blood. BUT never do I have a problem other then what I just said. All my other sites , no problem, some I have a LITTLE pip once in a while however that's par for the course I am sticking my body with a small needle WTH
Today I decided its been a long while I need a rotation so I'll do my Quad. Did all proper protocol and a vey good location. As soon as it pinned it hurt, I nicked a nerve and quivered but continued. No blood this time, my quads usually bleed.
For the second injection 1-1/2 mL / cc I pinned my shoulder (delt). NO PAIN but a little bubble of blood. Injection there was painless and pleasing Ha!!
So listen Simple Simon tells me, hey man those quads FOR YOU aren't a good place, Why well at this point I don't care. What did I do wrong? NOTHING so Mike doesn't do quads. I don't worry get upset or go thru painstaking questions. I just stay away from Quads.
I do glutes and some time I have bleed like a stuck pig, but all is well. What did I do? Well I may have been off my mark, SO WHAT. Moving right along with no problem ensuing. A few times PIP what did I do wrong, huh I don't worry I get over it. This is how it is after all these years.
If you are sterile and pin into a muscle there will not be a problem. If you miss a little and get into some fat tissue, no problem. It will get absorbed at some time frame. I NEVER aspirate and I bleed sometimes well I may have hit a vein straight on, but ya know I realize I haven't injected into it because I move and the vein moves and the needle is perpendicular. In reality I cant get but a minuscule of oil in it and I won't die. NEVER in my career (1980-2016) have I ever (me) heard of anyone falling down and dying if they injected a little gear in their vein.
So just know that you are sticking your body with a small object , injecting some oil and it can sting, it can bleed and it can be/get sore. Other than infection get over it and know it is what it is. I won't hit my quads for a long time again.
Good luck and I hope this sheds just a little light on some fears and questions you have. ... OMM
As it is obvious I am not new to this. pin shoulders , glutes and now pectoral's. I have several times done quads but don't like quad injections. FOR ME. Now I know how to do this correctly but this is what happens. I seem to always seem to nick a nerve and I quiver and the injection hurts all thru-out. Many time I squirt blood. BUT never do I have a problem other then what I just said. All my other sites , no problem, some I have a LITTLE pip once in a while however that's par for the course I am sticking my body with a small needle WTH
Today I decided its been a long while I need a rotation so I'll do my Quad. Did all proper protocol and a vey good location. As soon as it pinned it hurt, I nicked a nerve and quivered but continued. No blood this time, my quads usually bleed.
For the second injection 1-1/2 mL / cc I pinned my shoulder (delt). NO PAIN but a little bubble of blood. Injection there was painless and pleasing Ha!!
So listen Simple Simon tells me, hey man those quads FOR YOU aren't a good place, Why well at this point I don't care. What did I do wrong? NOTHING so Mike doesn't do quads. I don't worry get upset or go thru painstaking questions. I just stay away from Quads.
I do glutes and some time I have bleed like a stuck pig, but all is well. What did I do? Well I may have been off my mark, SO WHAT. Moving right along with no problem ensuing. A few times PIP what did I do wrong, huh I don't worry I get over it. This is how it is after all these years.
If you are sterile and pin into a muscle there will not be a problem. If you miss a little and get into some fat tissue, no problem. It will get absorbed at some time frame. I NEVER aspirate and I bleed sometimes well I may have hit a vein straight on, but ya know I realize I haven't injected into it because I move and the vein moves and the needle is perpendicular. In reality I cant get but a minuscule of oil in it and I won't die. NEVER in my career (1980-2016) have I ever (me) heard of anyone falling down and dying if they injected a little gear in their vein.
So just know that you are sticking your body with a small object , injecting some oil and it can sting, it can bleed and it can be/get sore. Other than infection get over it and know it is what it is. I won't hit my quads for a long time again.
Good luck and I hope this sheds just a little light on some fears and questions you have. ... OMM

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