I think we've been through this before but what I would do is ship it to wherever you're going. They do a lot of random searches these days and that includes your "checked baggage". Both times I went last year I got all my shit searched. And they really went through everything. It's not worth it IMO. Just ship it to your destination.
I'm with mvmaxx on this. I have had my check in and carry ons searched during a couple recent business trips. Security is so tight I wouldn't try to bring anything on a plane that is illeagal. Besides I believe there are now greater penalties if caught.
I wouldn't bother with trying to take gear on planes or even with shipping it to my destination. You are much better off going with a good international source with a good resend policy.
I took gear on the plane along time ago. It's alot different now. I had about 1,200 worth of shit. And that was what I spent in Cancun. This was about 12yrs ago.
You will be fine if you put in your checkin luggage as long as it is small volume. You don't want to carry 2000 dbols or something, but if you are going away for a few days a few pills, pins is ok. No worries. They have dogs that sniff for:
recreational drugs
large amounts of currency
Carry on in shampoo bottles is not a good plan. I snuck a look at the radar on a flight two weeks ago, that thing is tight! You can see EVERYTHING in the bag in great detail, it even distinguishes materials by different color, very impressive.
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