Getting Your Gear Lab Tested

Big Al 89

New member
Hello Everyone,

Been lurking on the boards for awhile and just doing my research. Lots of knowledgeable people on here! Anyways, I'm getting ready for my first cycle and just had a question about getting my gear lab tested. I've found some old threads on this but nothing really new or nothing that included any personal experiences.

I'm going to be running Geneza Pharmaceuticals Test E 250 (500mg/week/12 weeks) with arimidex, and HCG. My PCT will be clomid and nolva. I know I can test the HCG potency with pregnancy tests but what about the testosterone, AI, clomid and nolva? Has anyone had luck taking these to a private lab to get tested? I've read on other forums that major universities may be able to test based on molecular weight?

I already have the supplies needed to filter (gonna use a .2um Whatman) so I'm not extremely worried about bacteria/viruses, just the potency really. Would it be easier to get the AI, clomid, and nolva tested compared to the testosterone? I would hate for the testosterone to work and then have the the other stuff not be real; MAJOR panic right there lol.

I know everyone asks for stats when first cycle is mentioned so:
Age: 25 (26 in two weeks)
Weight: 215 ~ 15% BF
Years Training: 7

Any insight on this is much appreciated! Sorry for the long post!
I'll let the guys with labmax experience speak on that; however, I prefer (for testosterone) to get a blood test 4 weeks in to verify potency as most kits only tell you IF it's testosterone or not.

As far as AI/PCT drugs go, I just stick with a source I trust. The lion at the top of your screen has proven time and time again to be legit. I have tested their AI's through blood tests as well (estradiol being in range on a cycle is proof enough), and SERM's can also be tested in the same fashion by checking LH/FSH. All of these can be purchased from an online lab service at your leisure.

My .02c :)
Labmax won't tell you purity, just that it contains a hormone. While you can guesstimate based on how strong the color is, etc.. the carrier oil and other factors have a direct effect on the test.

Only way would be a Mass spec, LCMS test. Which you will find NO ONE to do. And if you do they won't have the proper baseline's/purity samples to run it against anyways.

Really it comes down to trust of your source. If its homebrew, local source, larger UGL, smaller UGL, etc... it all depends if you trust them and then you get a blood test x weeks in (I say x because it varies by ester) to see where you stand.
Labmax is almost pointless. I had underdosed raw mast test positive only to show it was about 45% on mass spec!
Good to know these things as I will want to test my testosterone once I build up the mental courage to inject. I will order a labmax to test my yellow dbol pills too. All of these tools are so interesting.

Buddy almost no one fakes testosterone. I still think you are a creepy fucking troll. If you are not sorry, but your posts are very awkward to say the least.
Thanks for all the responses! I will be doing a blood test around 5-6 weeks in, so that should hopefully show some good numbers lol. I'll take a look into some of the LabMax single test kits as well. They might not be the most accurate thing, but better than nothing I suppose.