Ghrp2 and cjc 1295 cycle?


New member
My buddies brother who is cut and huge has been using this stack. So I started using it 3 weeks ago. How long before my fat goes down? How long before it kicks in?
I was told to take GHRP2 5iu's in the morning and 5iu's before bed everyday.
And CJC1295 take 10iu's everyother day.
This is what my buddies brother is doing and he looks like a monster. Tell me what you think?
First off, don't listen to the guy because he's big. That doesn't mean he knows anything.

If he's telling you to measure by IU's then he really doesn't know what he's talking about.

Are you using cjc no DAC? You don't want cjc DAC. That's more common to a female gh pulse and provides gh bleed.

What you want is mod gfr and ghrp2. You take each 3 x a day at 100mcg each. It has been found that ghrp2 has a much higher saturation point then previously thought but you won't need any more.

These peptides are not miracles and you won't gain a bunch of muscle or lose a bunch of fat from it. It sounds like you a fairly young. This combo used 3 x a day usually puts igf levels around 300-400. Which is pretty good but like actual gh it takes months to see real results.

If you are trying to lose body fat you need to do that thru diet and training. Using some peptides in a not so great way won't produce great results. If I had a penny for every guy who spent money because a "huge cut dude" told them it would work I would be loaded.

Focus on diet and training. There are no real short cuts. And tell your friend it's micrograms not IU's. It's not gh or insulin and even though you use insulin pins it's still measure by the gram and mcg doses.

Not bashing you just hate to see guys waste their time and money.
You're ALWAYS spot on, userat204! My diet and training is always the primary staple in regards to what effect is achieved by my peptide cycles. Also, as you mentioned, a peptide cycle like GHRP-2 & CJC-1293 or GHRP-6 & CJC-1295 should be run a minimum of 3months and if you REALLY want a noticeable GH difference, go 6months. I notice I do seem to lose sensitivity to the peptides in longer terms tho so I increase my doses from 100mcg to 150 mcg during last 2months of a 6monther
With these peptides do you have to worry about a post cycle therapy (pct)? 3xed sounds like quite the commitment.
This peptide stack boosts and accelerates your natural Growth Hormone out put and production PERIOD. GH is known for slow effects, it takes 3-6months to see steroid like results.The nature of most of these peptides construction renders them bio-effective for only 30min-1hr after administration..

These kind of peptides are PCT for people coming off of synthetic HGH which shuts down the pituitary glands natural GH production and secretion. They are alternatives to HGH. FYI, also You need to do ALOT more research before using things you obviously don't know about
This peptide stack boosts and accelerates your natural Growth Hormone out put and production PERIOD. GH is known for slow effects, it takes 3-6months to see steroid like results.The nature of most of these peptides construction renders them bio-effective for only 30min-1hr after administration..

These kind of peptides are PCT for people coming off of synthetic HGH which shuts down the pituitary glands natural GH production and secretion. They are alternatives to HGH. FYI, also You need to do ALOT more research before using things you obviously don't know about

Hey juicy,

What would be the best peptide combo within gaining some mass if one was possibly taking low dose test cyp( basically testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose ) in your opinion? I know peps are sub q, unless MGF. Not really looking for cutting up. I was thinking maybe what the OP was going to do, but didn't know if there was something better. For me, slow and steady gains are okay. What ways me away from GHRP 6 is that I have seen some people complain about sleep problems while on it, not something I want. If anything, I'd run a more therapy dose. 100mcg. In my reading, doesn't it take time to build hyperplasia for peptides and overtime with resistance helps out muscle fibers? I never did a pep or GH so idk for myself. I'm asking you b/c you seem straight up on it. Others feel free to chyme in though:)...I think it's tough b/c you see certain people say peps are great cutters...maybe that's why the OP was thinking this.

Any help would be great. Thanks man. Side note, would you take peps post workout, read some make u hungry....esp. for doing my deadlift back days.
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Hey juicy,

What would be the best peptide combo within gaining some mass if one was possibly taking low dose test cyp( basically testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose ) in your opinion? I know peps are sub q, unless MGF. Not really looking for cutting up. I was thinking maybe what the OP was going to do, but didn't know if there was something better. For me, slow and steady gains are okay. What ways me away from GHRP 6 is that I have seen some people complain about sleep problems while on it, not something I want. If anything, I'd run a more therapy dose. 100mcg. In my reading, doesn't it take time to build hyperplasia for peptides and overtime with resistance helps out muscle fibers? I never did a pep or GH so idk for myself. I'm asking you b/c you seem straight up on it. Others feel free to chyme in though:)...I think it's tough b/c you see certain people say peps are great cutters...maybe that's why the OP was thinking this.

Any help would be great. Thanks man. Side note, would you take peps post workout, read some make u hungry....esp. for doing my deadlift back days.

The primary topic of this thread is about IMO, the best peptide combo for potential "growth". "MASS" or whatever out come is entirely dependent on how you eat and how you train. If you want raw uncut mass, just diet to get the calories and protein ya need with plenty water and you will get it.

I found the leaner I get, the bigger I look. Maybe if you use the GH fat burn effect with a clean diet, along with the enhanced cellular proliferation effects, after 3months the evidence would be quite profound. It sticks much better than with AAS too. I think it's because GH causes cells to become more abundant and nutrient dense so it increases the number of muscle cells where steroids can only increase the size of the original cells.

It's interesting to think about both, increasing the size of the cells then allowing those enhanced cells to become more numerous. OR if to add in a genetic alteration myostatin protein inhibitor peptide with the GH peptides and AAS would possibly be how the Incredible Hulk or Captain America can be achieved, literally no bullshit.