going from practically disabled to ripped ? need advice


New member

I am coming from a bit of different circumstances than most. I am currently 22 yrs old and have almost made a strong recovery from a massive series of injuries / surgeries from an autoaccident i endured.

before this auto accident i was very into weight training and was over 200 lbs at 15%bf. i went from about 150lbs to 200lbs pre auto accident and this took me about 5 years to accomplish in the gym.. i lifted heavy and ate big to do this.

the accident took about 2 years away from my life in terms of "working out" and my body withered away. also during this 2 years alot of very bad things happend..

i now weigh about 160lbs and would say i am 20% bf... so i lost pretty much everything

anyways......... i have begun working out again but im at a disadvantage now.

i cannot really weight lift heavy EVER again as I am horrified of injuring myself or my surgeries as my joints had to be sewn back together as I had ALOT of tears...
i am prone to retearing these joints again easier than someone who has never torn it.

so i make my workouts are much safer now...... I will not go back to heavy lifting for the rest of my life post autoaccident.

Currently my regimine is the following:

300 reps incline push ups per day
300 reps pull ups per day (using elastic band, not body weight)
300 reps rows a day
300 reps should press a day
30 mins stationary bicycle a day

currently in physical therapy for my knee but once i get all done my legs will be 100% (didn't have any tears in my legs), so ill be able to do heavy weights for legs :)

I may add in weight lifting of light weights and high reps in time for upper body. i cant do heavy weight low reps for upper body.

I eat clean and do not bulk or cut necessarily but eat maintenance.

By december i will be 23 and I will start gear on that date (that is when i move cities and start my TRT in another state). I am looking to start with a long cycle as I want to make up for lost time.

However, I am prone to hairloss so I don't want to take anything I can't deal with. (I take avodart everyday so I can put test in me NP). I have not lost any hair and my head is completely full but my grandpa lost all of his as did my uncles and I noticed some minor sheding when i was 19 so i immediatly jumped on the avodart / rogaine train and have been completely fine since.

I am thinking of doing the following for the cycle:

16 weeks: 800mg of test cyp / week
16 weeks: 100mg oxandrolone / day

as well as an anti estrogen in there / on hand

So by december with my current workout routine I am hoping to get my weight up to 170lbs and be 13%bf
after the 16 weeks, I expect to gain 30-40lbs and retain 80% as I will stay on TRT and instead of just completely stopping the anavar i will maintain a lower dose of it

my diet will be a clean bulk. I'm not gonna overeat and become a fatty as that is lame.

I already have the TRT script, I just plan not to start TRT till December or so.

So I guess what do you guys think? as this is what im laying out for myself.

I don't think it's possible for me to ever get "huge" anymore due to my injuries, so my goal would be more lean and cut like the jon skywalker guy. I'm at the disadvantage of I can't use heavy weights. But I can use light weights high reps and pushups pullsups etc. and I can focus 100% on my diet and incorporate the gear to compensate for my disadvantage.

i am 6' tall btw.
You know what , you may get varying opinion here ... but given the circumstance and what im hearing ... i think it may be a wise idea to train a bit naturally for longer before u hop on any type of cycle . You still arent physically in a good condition to hop straight into a cycle ( a heavy one at that) and start smashing the way it seems you want to . Your diet will determine mass gain . I would train some time first seeing and experimenting with my bodies conditions before i hopped on any gear . The gear will make you strong , and you not knowing your limitations anymore , you are in a very very easy place to get hurt bad . i would take things easy man . And those doses arent moderate either
Hey brother sorry to hear about your situation I had the same sort of thing happen to me but on a motorcycle so I know were your coming from . I don't know your exact situation but I never thought id be lifting again and here I am I've still got screws and bars holding my legs together so I just do what I can . good on ya for getting back on the horse . have you tried tb 500?? It helped me along the way but like dark said don't rush it mate and drop the oxandralon just stick with the test and maybe start at 5 6 hundred 8 fairly high for a first cycle and goodluck mate
The human body is amazing in its ability to heal. Broken bones grow back stronger than before. Maybe the same isn't quite true of connective tissue, but why do you believe at your age you will never completely recover?

Also, given your concerns, it seems counterproductive to go on AAS... your muscular strength will increase and the effect of AAS on connective tissue is mixed at best.
The human body is amazing in its ability to heal. Broken bones grow back stronger than before. Maybe the same isn't quite true of connective tissue, but why do you believe at your age you will never completely recover?

Also, given your concerns, it seems counterproductive to go on AAS... your muscular strength will increase and the effect of AAS on connective tissue is mixed at best.

I wouldn't be looking to use AAS to heal the damaged connective tissue. I'd just be using it to compensate for all the lost time I had. I do not want to work my heart out again for 5 years to get back to my former self. Plus I'm going on TRT already anyways as I naturally have lower testosterone so I figured I'd start it with a blast.
You know what , you may get varying opinion here ... but given the circumstance and what im hearing ... i think it may be a wise idea to train a bit naturally for longer before u hop on any type of cycle . You still arent physically in a good condition to hop straight into a cycle ( a heavy one at that) and start smashing the way it seems you want to . Your diet will determine mass gain . I would train some time first seeing and experimenting with my bodies conditions before i hopped on any gear . The gear will make you strong , and you not knowing your limitations anymore , you are in a very very easy place to get hurt bad . i would take things easy man . And those doses arent moderate either

right, i can understand your perspective. But i'm already going on trt in december to compensate for naturally lower testosterone. i figured id start with a blast.

i wouldnt be jumping back into any heavy weights as I know my limitations much more than i ever did before actually. I'd just go high reps, low weights.
Hey brother sorry to hear about your situation I had the same sort of thing happen to me but on a motorcycle so I know were your coming from . I don't know your exact situation but I never thought id be lifting again and here I am I've still got screws and bars holding my legs together so I just do what I can . good on ya for getting back on the horse . have you tried tb 500?? It helped me along the way but like dark said don't rush it mate and drop the oxandralon just stick with the test and maybe start at 5 6 hundred 8 fairly high for a first cycle and goodluck mate

I have not tried tb500 but I would like to try it at some point. How do you verify the vendor is selling you a legitamate product and not ripping you off?
I would recommend getting your trt dosage dialed in before starting steroids. It can take a long time to dial in a good trt regiment and blasting at the beginning will just make it harder to dial in your TRT. I don't know your situation but I would try to find out what caused your low testosterone to begin with because your young and you might be able to get your natural levels up to normal again if it wasn't the crash and down time that caused the low testosterone. I really don't think cycling would be a smart idea considering how fragile your joints are either.
You should take a look in the TRT section on the forum and maybe make a post with some of your blood test results and what you think caused you to have low testosterone. If they had you on pain pills after the crash for a long time that could definitely be a culprit in you having low testosterone.
Just to add, AAS decreases collagen synthesis, which may be counterproductive to your goals. What were your blood test results that produced a script at the age of 22?

As someone that was under the knife for over two years, I know how terrifying recovery can be, and there will always be limitations - but you may surprise yourself. :)
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