Going in for surgery and don't want to lose gains


New member
Hey All!

Haven't posted in a while and I figure this is a good question to come back with.

Unfortunately I will be undergoing retinal surgery which will leave me sidelined from any physical activity for 4-6 weeks....that's right, that means no running, no lifting, no sports...FML!

I'm at a good size right now (5'8, 190lbs, 10%BF), I train hard, always active and have currently been natty more than a year.

The question is, since I'll basically be bed ridden and wont be able to train, what is the best way for me to retain the gains I've made and preserve the muscle we all work so hard to attain?! I know I've gotta keep my calories at maintenance level or maybe even a bit at a surplus along with keeping the protein intake high, however are there any supplements you would recommend to take while being out of the gym to avoid muscle loss and any potential fat gain?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
