I was just wondering, hopefully this is allowed in this section, what is a good BF % to start a cycle? I hear plenty of people doing it above 20%. But I also hear its recommended not to start till at like 9-10% BF.
I hear 10% also.I did my only cycle about 10 years ago with about 18% and I seen good results but I think wasted money because diet sucked and results could of been better.It was like what if I would of done it right.
thi công s***417;n b***7843; hãy ***273;***7871;n DVN công ty chúng tôi chuyên thi công s***417;n b***7843;, trang trí n***7897;i th***7845;t,*ngo***7841;i th***7845;t v***7899;i giá c***7843; h***7907;p lý nh***7845;t. hãy g***7885;i cho dvn.vn chúng tôi ***273;***7875; ***273;***432;***7907;c giá t***7889;t nh***7845;t 0916930381
As low as possible healthy...like.I wouldn't start at 3% lolol
But I'd say no more than 12%
The higher the bf% the more prone you are to gyno/estrogen symptoms. Blood pressure, bitch tits, etc...
I'd go with 15% and under, like a few others here said. At that you'll probably lean out a bit at the end of cycle and be 10-12% since you'll gain lots of muscle and not much fat.
I'd go with 15% and under, like a few others here said. At that you'll probably lean out a bit at the end of cycle and be 10-12% since you'll gain lots of muscle and not much fat.
Eh...I don't see how...
Proper maximum bulking det will end you with a higher bf%.
Not too high if done right but that's why it's best to start as lean as possible.
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