Good cuts of red meat??


New member
As far as red meat goes, I just eat ground sirlion now. What are some good cuts of steak to eat? Just want some variety.
filet mignon--fairly expensive especially if good quality, beef roast, tri-tip-cheap marinate the hell out of it first. Just some of my favorites.
Sirloin is affordable, London Broil is a lean nice cut for cheap. Round steak is just a tad bit below a London Broil but a good cut as well.

Ground Sirloin, round and chuck are good cuts of ground meat.

Sirloin is good for the BBQ (marinated in olive oil & Worcester). I like eye of round roast - trim off all visible fat, then roast in the oven @ 350 for two hours, turn the oven off and let it sit in there a few more hours to cool down before slicing it. I eat it every day with fat free cheddar cheese slices.
If you're going for cheap go with a skirt steak. Marinate the heck out out it first though and cut ACROSS the grain or you'll burn more cals chewing than taking in. ;)

I like a good ol' london broil 'cept that's actually just a term markets have put on top sirloin. It's the way it's cut that makes it a london broil.

If you're just looking something quick go for what they call a petite sirloin". Hmm....guess what? That's a "london broil" cut into small steak thickness pieces. ;)
Usually the cheaper the better but it also gets tougher on down the line. My personal favorite is breakfast/flank steak. Cheap as hell and low fat.