Good read regarding gyno and Letro

Know this is a massive bump. But the thread helped me out heaps, and might be able to help out others!
Had some hard lump gyno about 3cm by 1cm thick (had ultrasound). Only in the right peck. Was from a test cycle with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout. Didn't realise you had to do that and was waiting to run it with my PCT (AI/SERM). Anyways, showed up slowly at the very end of the cycle wk10.
After about 2 weeks with having the lump and doing research I ran the 2.5mg Letrozole (pharama grade from Doctors) for a month. Tapered off for the last week as shown above. It took away the lump around 3 weeks in!! Its been few weeks now and Im starting to feel back to normal. The Sides that I did have was KILLED my sexy drive. Also took a hit on all my lifts, with no gains at all for that month. A well worth it sacrifice for being a idiot!
Anyways, good luck with yours! Saved me the BS surgery!
Help with mild gyno

Hi need help with mild 20 and have been at gym for 4-5 years.. I have good diet low bf% and train 5 days a week. About a year and a bit or 2 years ago i took a month of EPI tablets. I was told no need for post cycle therapy (pct) so i didnt. I bulked up good with good gains but noticed i developed a lump on my right nipple. I went to doctor and he said it happens in young men with high protein intake.2years later i still have it my nipples arent sensitive but the lump is sometimes sore.

Both nipples get puffy and make my chest look bad but when they are hard i have a good looking can i treat this?
gyno reversal ASAP

So i was on DMZ1 for a really messed up period of a cycle. as i just started taking the pills with no knowledge of handling anabolics.
June 2011, i noticed gyno symptoms, but i thought since i had it before from puberty it'll go away( lump under both nipples).
well this time it didn't and its gotten a bit noticeable. is it too late to start letro? i feel like am running out of time. :redhot:
^ Get a 2 bottles of liquid letro from RUI products. Building up to 2.5mg letro per day over a once week period. Say 0.5mg day 1 up to 2.5mg day 5. Run 2.5mg for a month and see if there are any changes. If no changes start taking 1.25mg for another month or two and see what happens. If you are noticing changes then continue to run the letro until changes subside. Taper off the letro over a 2-3 week period and run Nolvadex once you are completely off letro incase your estrogen rebounds.

All this info I believe is on the first page of this thread.
My experience with Letro.

So i did my second cycle and it started with test/deca and half way switched to test/tren.
It was a harsh cycle and never used any AI during. For PCT i did clomid and HCG. It all worked well...
Many months later i noticed a pea sized lump under my left nipple and was shocked because I had been off cycle
for a while now so i did nothing and hoped it will go away. It didnt. I tried Nolva which immediately seemed to work,
but once i stopped, the lump came back. It then became puffy without a lump.

I then tried Letro (its day 6 now) and the pain has almost gone and the puffiness if about half the size it used to be.
My sex drive is really low..very rarely do I bother with sex and the gf hates it but I couldnt care less
because its working great for me and hopefully i wont need to go under the knife.
I will stay on it for a month, with the last 4-7day tapering down (like i've read in another post by C-bino).
Good luck to everyone!