Got bloodwork on pinnacle and psl and need help


New member

I am about 7 weeks into my sixth cycle and just got my bloodwork and had a few questions. First, let me get my stats and cycle posted

40 years old, lifting 20 years, sixth cycle, started cycling in mid 30s, 212lbs and 6' tall


this is the first time I have done deca.

Weeks 1-5 - anadrol. 50mg a day (pinnacle)
Weeks 1-17 - test-e. 750mg a week split 2x a week (pinnacle and psl)
Weeks 1-12 - deca. 400mg a week split 2x a week (psl)

HCG is also used.

I mix the test and deca when pinning

I use RUI stane as my AI and do 1/2 cc every other day

I also have caber on hand from manpower

- strength is through the roof
- sex drive is high
- pains are gone, endurance is up

- cannot put weight on at all. Following my diet from 3j. Started pre cycle at 206, now 212. All previous cycles, I have added 15-20 pounds. Frustrating as heck
- E2 - bloodwork indicated 273.5. Holy shit that is high. I am told that stane is really strong stuff, thus every other day use. I just added caber (.5mg) once a week to the mix

- any feedback on the lack of weight gain? Calorie deficiency is not an issue. I know deca takes forever to produce results but I don't think I am happy with the investment.
- estrogen. Should I go to every day on stane? Advice on the caber? I notice that my nipples get sensitive only on the day of injection. No bumps or prolactin though but that level scares me.

By the way, test was >1500, ast of 86, alt of 117, lh of 0.1, and fsh of 0.5. Pretty much in line with previous 5 cycles.
For starters, exemestane needs to be run ED, not EOD. You should probably be running around 25mg daily, given that your estradiol is high. If you still feel nipple sensitivity after a week, I'd bump it up another 12.5mg ED, and reassess.

Secondly, your liver values are pretty high. Anadrol will do this, and you should be running some form of liver support such as NAC/liv52/(T)UDCA. I suggest the first two of those three to help bring things back into healthy levels. (2g NAC ED, 2 liv52 ED)

As far as weight is concerned, it's difficult to say what the issue is for sure. If diet is on point, I'd look at rest (that's when you grow), and your training regimen. If lacking in any of those, you will have lackluster results. There is also the possibility that you're leaning out at the same time as putting on lean mass. This can play tricks with your mind, and why measurements are really the way to go when gauging progress.

My .02c :)
Thanks halfwit. I do take livercare (Himalaya) daily. Two caps a day. I am leaning out and it is perplexing because deca is supposed to bulk you up. Plus, once you have done tren, it is hard to measure up with other products and it does mess with your mind. Still, I thought I would be higher than five lbs.
Thanks halfwit. I do take livercare (Himalaya) daily. Two caps a day. I am leaning out and it is perplexing because deca is supposed to bulk you up. Plus, once you have done tren, it is hard to measure up with other products and it does mess with your mind. Still, I thought I would be higher than five lbs.

Ohh, then I'd pick up some UDCA too. While the liver is pretty robust, always better safe than sorry.

ALL AAS will "bulk you up", for some reason the old bro-science regarding which compounds do what still exists. A lot of it comes from a time when we didn't have wide access to AIs, so aromatizing compounds like deca got this reputation for being a "wet" mass builder as water would inevitably join the picture.

If you're leaning out, it's difficult to say what your actual gains are without a concrete picture of where your body fat was when you began, and where it is now. If you've lost 5lbs of fat, and put on 5lbs of lean mass, the scale would show no change at all. The mirror should give a good indication of how you're doing, although it too can lie given the level of hydration you're in, as well as how much glycogen you're carrying.

I do agree that tren does kind of make other compounds look less spectacular, but I certainly do love how deca makes my joints feel all buttery. In the future, if you plan on running deca again - I'd hit a higher dose and see how you fare. I tend to see more anabolic effects from it at 600mg/wk+, with the therapeutic effects starting at 150-200mg/wk.

Either way, I do want you to realize that even 10lbs of solid lbm gains are fantastic as we can only grow so quickly - even on ridiculous doses of AAS.