Grapefruit Juice...revisited


New member
I've read several different opinions on this site concerning drinking grapefruit juice along with oral supplements such as 1-ad and m1t. Who is correct...should you drink it while taking the supps and get better absorbtion or it it better to stay away from the grapefruit juice all together?

Also how much of it is optimal if it is fine to take along with these supps?
I just started drinking this stuff. I have been doing a lot of research into leaning out without reducing my diet a lot. I have read numerous articles that say 3 glasses of unsweetened GFJ a day will aid in fat burning. One study suggested that all they did was have their subject drink 3 glasses a day for 6 months w/o changing thier diet and they lost an average of 10 lbs. Bottom line is that it is a grapefruit, as long as it is pure juice how can it hurt.

Oh one word of caution I read was not to drink it right after a workout. Apprantly it will make your blood sugar levels crash.
Well that's true, either way though fructose is like commmitting muscle suicide after a workout.
ight as well kiss your hard earned gains good bye.
I'm interested you don't drink fruit juices
after a workout ?. So then i should drink my creatine with gatoraide after a workout?
Gatoraide has dextrose right ?
zdravo said:
I'm interested you don't drink fruit juices
after a workout ?. So then i should drink my creatine with gatoraide after a workout?
Gatoraide has dextrose right ?

Fruits are fine after a workout, it's just grapefruit juice is low GI. Something like grapefruit or pineapple juice is good.

I still think bananas are the best option because they're high GI and 70% glucose.