green foods supplement?


New member
i dont eat a lot of vegatables. is their a supplement that i can take that will help with the vitamins im missing out on besides a multi? thanks
Nothing will replace vegetables and the various things that are contained in them. Taking extra vitamins is a good idea but they are not a replacement. Try and choke them down if you can.
Fresh vegetables contain enzymes and micronutrients that can't be duplicated in pill form. Even processed veggies, canned, frozen etc cannot take the place of fresh vegetables as the processing destroys most enzymes.
ok guess im gonna have to start eating the veggies. what are the most important ones. i litterally eat none right now
John Benz said:
Fresh vegetables contain enzymes and micronutrients that can't be duplicated in pill form. Even processed veggies, canned, frozen etc cannot take the place of fresh vegetables as the processing destroys most enzymes.
i dunno, ive read that most frozen veggies are actually fresher than "fresh veggies". Generally they are flash frozen right after being picked...the "fresh" veggies can be days/weeks old before you ever get around to buying/cooking them.