green tea and creatine?


New member
I have currently been drinking green tea for the past month and just a week ago I started taking German American Technologies XC4 creatine esther. I have still been losing weight but I keep getting stronger and it doesnt seem to be taking much muscle mass. Is it a bad idea to keep taking the green tea and the creatine at the same time. I figured that either way I am still getting a huge ATP boost and the green tea also helps me finish off the high endurance sets I just added to my workout. Currently I am hitting all sets of 4 trying not to gain to much weight, but wanting to solidify the muscle I have and hopefully still increase strength as well. Also if anybody didn't already know, German American Technologies seems to just throw huge amounts of supps into the container it is always way over the quantity mark. I had taken some stenandiol and the container had more than twice as many pills than it said on the label and none of the bottles were consistent. One had 68 while another had 64, but the label said only 30 were in the bottle. Take advantage before they figure out their mistake.
I take Green Tea every day (for the past 3 years) and I have been using Creatine for much, much longer. I see zero problem combining the two.

h-town_boy said:
I have currently been drinking green tea for the past month and just a week ago I started taking German American Technologies XC4 creatine esther. I have still been losing weight but I keep getting stronger and it doesnt seem to be taking much muscle mass. Is it a bad idea to keep taking the green tea and the creatine at the same time. I figured that either way I am still getting a huge ATP boost and the green tea also helps me finish off the high endurance sets I just added to my workout. Currently I am hitting all sets of 4 trying not to gain to much weight, but wanting to solidify the muscle I have and hopefully still increase strength as well. Also if anybody didn't already know, German American Technologies seems to just throw huge amounts of supps into the container it is always way over the quantity mark. I had taken some stenandiol and the container had more than twice as many pills than it said on the label and none of the bottles were consistent. One had 68 while another had 64, but the label said only 30 were in the bottle. Take advantage before they figure out their mistake.
Are you taking caffeinated green tea? I remember an article by Dan Duchaine years ago explaining that caffeine inhibits the absorption of creatine. I just did a little searching on medline and CINAHL and found that this idea of caffeine affecting the pharmacokinetics of creatine supplementation is unkown. Several studies cited this finding so I would just do what is more convenient for you.
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sorry for vagueness, but i've also read where creatine and caffeine don't mix, basically negating many of the "energy" effects of creatine. in short, do one or the other if you're using them for the gym. some do a week of caffeine, then a couple weeks of creatine...good luck.
I can't find it at the moment, but I'm pretty sure I read a study that refuted the idea that caffeine interferes with creatine uptake. Remember when everyone thought acidic stuff would interfere with creatine uptake too?

I don't see a problem using green tea and creatine together, especially considering that some of the studies touting the benefits of creatine were mixing the creatine with tea.
yah personally I haven't noticed any problems. I am going to keep trying it and report my progress that way I can clear it up with some people. From what I have heard the level of constriction on your veins when drinking caffeine isn't nearly as severe as everyone thinks. Besides they put caffeine in some NO products