Greetings and Need advice for my third cycle


New member
Greetings everyone!

been stalking these forums for a really long time but finally joined ya'll ! need some advice on my third cycle but before that,

Quick intro - my name is niel, training from past 4 years, first db only cycle when i was 22, didnt do anything great, second cycle when i was 23. which was DB + test e + deca which worked great. packed quite some muscle and retained 60-70% of it.

6" tall,
170 lbs,
BF - 14%
goalds - lean muscle gains
good enough lifting stats

recently was in a small accident which gave me a deep tissue scar on the inner leg side that didnt let me exercise much, gym stopped for 6 months and now i recently started working out after a full recovery its been a month and a half and i have got back to 70% of my earlier self however i wanted to eagerly run a short cycle for 5 weeks and get back in shape or probably a little better than i was before,

frankly because i loved my earlier gains and god its gonna take a lot of time to get back to that shape without AAS,

hence i was thinking for a 5 week cycle
no 12 week cycle cuz its wayyyyy to long and my work sched is wide open for the next 6 weeks.
so its eat sleep inject train repeat for the next 6 weeks!

so how does a Test E + Tren E or A? + anadrol for 5 weeks and 6th week PCT cycle sound?

is that a good cycle to gain some lean mass and pack size?

is there a better cycle?

what should be the dosing like?

Before posting this thread i read a lot about each drug and this cycle was commonly suggested over many forums for good gains.

If i am wrong please correct ! please dont flame, need some good advice on how to proceed.

thanks in advance and respect to all the big ones who help the little ones out!

test e and tren e are long esters. They'll take a good 4-5 weeks to kick in properly. If you're going for a six week cycle, use short esters like tren ace and test prop. Then wait 8 days and PCT afterwards.

I also wouldn't run tren AND a-bombs together if you haven't before. Complicated and have high potential for sides.

What's your AI usage like?
Do you have a DA on hand when running a 19-nor?

You're also quite light. I'd say a bit too light that it makes me question your diet. Do you have any pictures of yourself (face removed)?
test e and tren e are long esters. They'll take a good 4-5 weeks to kick in properly. If you're going for a six week cycle, use short esters like tren ace and test prop. Then wait 8 days and PCT afterwards.

I also wouldn't run tren AND a-bombs together if you haven't before. Complicated and have high potential for sides.

What's your AI usage like?
Do you have a DA on hand when running a 19-nor?

You're also quite light. I'd say a bit too light that it makes me question your diet. Do you have any pictures of yourself (face removed)?

thanks for the advice mate.

i will be running provinovum & tamoxifen and other liver support and multis, however i am not familiar with DA?

whats your take on test E + parabolin + anadrol then?

heres a pic...

View attachment 561511
thanks for the advice mate.

i will be running provinovum & tamoxifen and other liver support and multis, however i am not familiar with DA?

whats your take on test E + parabolin + anadrol then?

heres a pic...

View attachment 561511

I dont think your 14% if you are im in big trouble im 6ft and weigh 100lbs more than you i must be like 50% lol