Guess bodyfat percentage

Yea last time when i checked back then it was 15.7% am trying to get down to 10% at the moment doing my normal split routine and adding in 15mins of cycling 5 days a week covering 7.5km doing intervauls. Current diet is:

7:30am - L-Glutamine upon waking up
8:00am - 3 wheatabix with skimmed milk and 60g protein from protein shake with water
9:00am - handful raw almonds
10:30am - 45g protein from protein shake with water
12:30pm - 125g chicken breast cooked with half cup of couscous
3:30pm - 125g chicken breast with half cup of couscous
5:00pm - 5g creatine
5:20pm - workout at gym
6:30pm - 60g protein from protein shake with water
7:30pm - 250g chicken breast with mediterainian veg
9:00pm - L-Glutamine before bed

Based on above with my 15 mins of intervaul cadio 5x a week how long could it take potentially to drop to 10% bf from around 15%?