Gyno... Should I stop my cycle?

Ok thanks mate, I have read the sticks now. Thinking of the worse case scenario, I can't reduce my gyno (which isn't to bad, only noticeable from the side on my right nipple). Would focussing on building a bigger chest hide or improve the appearance of Gyno in your opinion?

I have read multiple other forums and websites. A lot of people say that it can fill in gyno or inprove the appearance with a low bf%. While others say it will push it out and make it look worse?
i now have letro. So will start today and will taper on and off with nolvadex at the start and end to prevent rebound. Hopefully this should get it under control
Hi guys. Just to update you. I have been running 2.5 mg of letro and 40mg of nolva (just until I'm fully sure the letro has kicked in) for the past 10 days now. Today I had pain on my left nipple followed by a tiny lump I can only just feel. The gyno I had before was in my right nipple and up to now I have no problems with my left nipple at all. I have bumped letro up to 3.5mg a day to try and stamp it out. Can anyone give me advice as to why I have pain coming in my left nipple and a new lump 10 days into letro and what should I do?
Thanks George.
Yes the pain has gone down now and I'm am going to start tapering off letro now. I occasionally get a tiny amount of pain in either nipple but nothing major. I'm thinking that the gyno symptoms came back as I had only finished my cycle about 3-4 weeks ago and estrogen levels were still a bit high. I'm hoping my hormone levels have sorted out now and will continue taking nolva for the next few weeks at 40mg a day then 20mg a day for a the last two weeks.

Also does anyone have any experience with drinking alcohol with gyno from an old cycle. E.g. If I was to have a few drinks too many a month or two from now would that cause estrogen to spike and make gyno come back or worsen?