hamburger diet...


New member
I saw aguy on another board who posted a hamburger diet. 2 for breakfast 2 for lunch 2for dinner sides of veggies and low glycemic carbs.... Lean meat and it all worked out to be the right percentages. Protein shakes at 10am 2pm and before bed. Plus all vitamins and minerls.
I like simple diets and hamburgers are easy to premake...
I think any diet that involves that much of one food is mentally difficult to stick with.

I'm only tryin to stay relatively low carb right now, and I'm so sick of hamburger and chicken. I can't even imagine if I was eating 6 hamburgers a day.
Shit when I was on deca I think I could have eatin 10 a day. iswear id eat until I was stuffed. 30 minutes later I was starving all over again. I hear EQ is alot worse....
i get so annoid w/ the same foods, i def need variety, i could never be a pro BB, i just wantto look good and kick those punks ass that like to talk shit to us so called muscle head