I just started my first cycle last week, 300mg of test e and 200mg of tren e. This is coming from a blend of the two. The injection went smoothly I used a 23g needle to draw, then switched to fresh 23g to inject. I think I must have injected to fast or maybe moved the needle around because right now it is day 6 after the first injection, and my injection sight (right glute) is still hard knotted and very painful. The pain has not gotten any lesser since day 3. There is no redness bruising, no feeling of heat. so I highly doubt it is an infection. I got a massage and had the masseuse focus on my glute and there is no change not worse or better 2 days later. Just wondering if this has ever lasted this long for people, because ive seen other posts saying 3-4 days and om about to go over a week