hard sore knot after injection.


New member
I just started my first cycle last week, 300mg of test e and 200mg of tren e. This is coming from a blend of the two. The injection went smoothly I used a 23g needle to draw, then switched to fresh 23g to inject. I think I must have injected to fast or maybe moved the needle around because right now it is day 6 after the first injection, and my injection sight (right glute) is still hard knotted and very painful. The pain has not gotten any lesser since day 3. There is no redness bruising, no feeling of heat. so I highly doubt it is an infection. I got a massage and had the masseuse focus on my glute and there is no change not worse or better 2 days later. Just wondering if this has ever lasted this long for people, because ive seen other posts saying 3-4 days and om about to go over a week
Have you ran many other cycles before? I've heard of pain at injection sites from guys who haven't switched up spots to jab and building up scar tissue, they say it's even more painful now when injecting...
Also try warming up the gear in your hands before hand.. As well as personally I like to train the muscle pretty much the day of injection I find it helps relieve the soreness....

Bit of a novel but hopefully it helped?
I just started my first cycle last week, 300mg of test e and 200mg of tren e. This is coming from a blend of the two. The injection went smoothly I used a 23g needle to draw, then switched to fresh 23g to inject. I think I must have injected to fast or maybe moved the needle around because right now it is day 6 after the first injection, and my injection sight (right glute) is still hard knotted and very painful. The pain has not gotten any lesser since day 3. There is no redness bruising, no feeling of heat. so I highly doubt it is an infection. I got a massage and had the masseuse focus on my glute and there is no change not worse or better 2 days later. Just wondering if this has ever lasted this long for people, because ive seen other posts saying 3-4 days and om about to go over a week
It could goes more than 3-4 days if the injection hasn't been done in right place, right way. Is it your first injection in life?
What was the ml on the test and, on the tren? Not mg but mls?

It was 300mg per ml of test and 200 mg of tren per ml so im guessing its 500mg per ml and their 10ml vials idk how else to explain it so sorry if thats not what you meant.
For the other questions its a 23g 1 1/2" needle with a 3 ml/cc syringe.
im definitely going to try heating the gear next time. I would say yes its my first injection of gear but ive gotten penicillin shots before and some fake gear shot in my glute but im pretty sure this is my first one with real gear. But it was definitely the right area but maybe I got unlucky and struck in between the muscle. Also thinking about splitting it to two shots for .50 mls
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I use 18g to draw 25g 1 1/2" to inject glute and if injecting quads I use 25g 5/8" depending on how much I need I either use a 1 mL syringe or a 3 mL syringe, Kind of Irrelevant but that's what I use

This may help you out if it's a fresh muscle break up the Test E to 1/2 mL = 150 mg to get the muscle use to it, pain should subside within 2 days and then add in next 1/2 mL, then by your next week you should be able to put in a full mL without it hurting. Yeah you will get the occasional sting but it won't be to the point where you can't sit on your ass for 6 days. Do the same thing with the Tren break it up. Hope this helps you out bro. Test C and Test E are normally very smooth, if you ever do sustanon 250 be prepared for every injection to hurt.
I just started my first cycle last week, 300mg of test e and 200mg of tren e. This is coming from a blend of the two. The injection went smoothly I used a 23g needle to draw, then switched to fresh 23g to inject. I think I must have injected to fast or maybe moved the needle around because right now it is day 6 after the first injection, and my injection sight (right glute) is still hard knotted and very painful. The pain has not gotten any lesser since day 3. There is no redness bruising, no feeling of heat. so I highly doubt it is an infection. I got a massage and had the masseuse focus on my glute and there is no change not worse or better 2 days later. Just wondering if this has ever lasted this long for people, because ive seen other posts saying 3-4 days and om about to go over a week

Hey bro seen your post when i was looking around, and just wanted to say for my first pin ever in the glute, i had a good knot for almost two weeks.. extremely painful... i realized.. one- i injected too quickly, and two- i found for me after that point it always helped to heat up the test before i injected, these are just my experiences though.. hope that helps..
1.Take a hot shower before to loosen you up.(Probably reduces risk of infection as well)
2.Massage and stretch the area.
3.Warm up gear.
4.If injecting in your glute it helps to lay down so you down flex it at all.
5.Massage after injection
6.You could use a 25g needle
7.Rotate injection points

This is all I could think of.
I got pain & soreness/ knots before I started heating my serum. I usually put in skillet with alittle bit of water and let it warm up
Warming up the gear will help, and it will also draw easier. I sit mine up in the window sill and let the sun beat on it 4 awhile or just hold the bottle in a cup of hot water 4 a min. Take ur time and inject slow, take bout 30-60sec to inject 1cc. Hope it works out 4 u