Has anyone else used hcg as pct?


New member
A couple years back I was new to gear and well very naive and just recently I saw a post on this forum that reminded me of how naive I truly was. My first cycle I ran test e 500 a week for 10 weeks. No on cycle protection and waited 18 days after my cycle was over and started my hcg 500 units 3 times a week for 3 weeks as a pct along with a natural test booster. Long story short my blood work came back normal and test levels normal as ever how did I get so lucky?
Who know but you did. Dont be so foolish and risk "getting lucky" again. You may not be so fortunate. Also without pre and post cycle bloods how do you know you were lucky? Your T levels may be 300 pts lower you just feel/function ok. Anyway what is the point of such a question?