Have your Raws been cut?

Just order the base hormone is what you want is base. Boom, done:)
And Iamcman is right, there is basically no incentive for these guys to cut. I know what you're thinking they could sell a kilo as a kilo and a half or whatever. But it's been mentioned that these hormones are legal and dirt cheap in china, and as a business plan, you will make more just delivering the goods then trying to squeeze a kilo a bit further.
Like said above the real concern is purity of desired hormone, and levels and types of impurities... Unfortunetly this is not so easily found out.
I'm not saying no one has ever recieved cut raws, just that for the major operations it would really end up losing them money.
Purity is dubious, i can see them skipping purification steps in order to increase final yield. Actually adding a cut is not done as far as i know. With mass production and no looming nanny state government these hormones are probably produced for $20 or less per kg.

Yes, you can use NaOH in methanol to freebase hormones. Not that it will make them smokeable...haha. I have made base for suspension from enanthate like this. Just purify, purify, purify. Enanthate always smells of heptanoic acid. This can be removed with repeated methanol/water recrystallization. Expect to loose up to 50% of your raw, it is a poor process but simple enough. Plenty more is produced in your body as the ester is cleaved in your body anyway, so removing traces may be a waste of time.

what exactly do you mean by "base for suspension"? did you just cleave the ester with lye?

Very interesting post either way
yeah and left over chemicals form making the raws in a reckless way ( why i would avoid china raws at all costs personally)

That is nearly impossible. The thing is, if you buy raws domestically, more than likely they came from china anyways. The difference between US and china is that US has policies set in place to where no raw material leaves any factory to be distributed on the streets, which china doesn't have such policies or quite frankly doesn't care to enforce them because of the profit gains. The only 100% sure way you are getting US domestic gear is to have a script where you get it directly from a US pharmacy, YOURSELF. The ability to duplicate labels is extremely easy these days, hell, people in china sell knock off stuff all the time of actual products like electronics and electronic accessories that most people can't even tell the difference when being compared side by side! So if you don't physically pick the script up yourself, your buddy could have got it from his buddy which CLAIMED it came from a pharm but he just duplicated the label and now your back using china raws again. If you have ever used ANY UGL, you can bet your last dollar that the raws came from china. You can either get a script that will get you ONE bottle of test cyp to last 3-6 months OR use UGL gear with near unlimited supply of deca, eq, enanthate, propionate, sustanon, tren, masteron, winstrol, suspension, primo, dbol, anadrol, anavar etc. BUT the raws came from china. The choice is yours.

All this shit goes back to everything we consume. Yea, the label says that this is "grain fed" ground beef, when in reality the FDA has a policy that states as long as the cows ate 30% grain that it's not misleading to consumers to say that the meat is organic or "grain fed". Think its bullshit, but its the truth. Or a sticker that reads, "made in the USA". Yea, it was assembled in the USA but all the parts came from china.

We have roughly 5 options (2 of which seem far fetched) when it comes to questions/concerns about examples I've stated that can be compared to many aspects in life...One, we can question the hell out of shit to the point where we take every precaution to do things a certain way, but still along the way believing claims that others have made and never knowing the full truth. Two, not concerning ourselves with the claims on things we consume and continue to use it (ignorance is bliss sort of outlook). Three, completely avoiding all the things we question in life with the thought we will die from it, which we most likely will is we stop eating (or using AAS). Four, make every single thing we consume (grow our food, raise livestock, knit clothes, make soaps, toothpaste, deodorant, (this is an infinite list, just giving examples) which is one of the far fetched possibilities but indeed is an option as all things we consume have harmful ingredients. Finally, we can get to the bottom of our questions and get some actual answers. Meaning, if you have concerns that truly bother you, such as if the raws are cut or not safe, fly over to china and find out for sure. Who has the time to do that, like no one, right? If you do, please let me know and I'll take you thru a day of my life and see if you have the time then.

The point of my rant is to demonstrate that not everything is as pure and true in life as we believed it to be when we were all in elementary school but at the end of the day, what are you going to do? You want to avoid china raws, well might as well stop using AAS all together because unless you picked that bottle up that you have in your hands right now from your local pharm, you can bet it's made with china raws.
That is nearly impossible. The thing is, if you buy raws domestically, more than likely they came from china anyways. The difference between US and china is that US has policies set in place to where no raw material leaves any factory to be distributed on the streets, which china doesn't have such policies or quite frankly doesn't care to enforce them because of the profit gains. The only 100% sure way you are getting US domestic gear is to have a script where you get it directly from a US pharmacy, YOURSELF. The ability to duplicate labels is extremely easy these days, hell, people in china sell knock off stuff all the time of actual products like electronics and electronic accessories that most people can't even tell the difference when being compared side by side! So if you don't physically pick the script up yourself, your buddy could have got it from his buddy which CLAIMED it came from a pharm but he just duplicated the label and now your back using china raws again. If you have ever used ANY UGL, you can bet your last dollar that the raws came from china. You can either get a script that will get you ONE bottle of test cyp to last 3-6 months OR use UGL gear with near unlimited supply of deca, eq, enanthate, propionate, sustanon, tren, masteron, winstrol, suspension, primo, dbol, anadrol, anavar etc. BUT the raws came from china. The choice is yours.

All this shit goes back to everything we consume. Yea, the label says that this is "grain fed" ground beef, when in reality the FDA has a policy that states as long as the cows ate 30% grain that it's not misleading to consumers to say that the meat is organic or "grain fed". Think its bullshit, but its the truth. Or a sticker that reads, "made in the USA". Yea, it was assembled in the USA but all the parts came from china.

We have roughly 5 options (2 of which seem far fetched) when it comes to questions/concerns about examples I've stated that can be compared to many aspects in life...One, we can question the hell out of shit to the point where we take every precaution to do things a certain way, but still along the way believing claims that others have made and never knowing the full truth. Two, not concerning ourselves with the claims on things we consume and continue to use it (ignorance is bliss sort of outlook). Three, completely avoiding all the things we question in life with the thought we will die from it, which we most likely will is we stop eating (or using AAS). Four, make every single thing we consume (grow our food, raise livestock, knit clothes, make soaps, toothpaste, deodorant, (this is an infinite list, just giving examples) which is one of the far fetched possibilities but indeed is an option as all things we consume have harmful ingredients. Finally, we can get to the bottom of our questions and get some actual answers. Meaning, if you have concerns that truly bother you, such as if the raws are cut or not safe, fly over to china and find out for sure. Who has the time to do that, like no one, right? If you do, please let me know and I'll take you thru a day of my life and see if you have the time then.

The point of my rant is to demonstrate that not everything is as pure and true in life as we believed it to be when we were all in elementary school but at the end of the day, what are you going to do? You want to avoid china raws, well might as well stop using AAS all together because unless you picked that bottle up that you have in your hands right now from your local pharm, you can bet it's made with china raws.
My man you are a breath of fresh air, and I'm not saying this just to get you on my side of the debate, you speak the truth and those that can handle it will hear it. I just checked out a video of Jason
Blaha of Ice Cream Fitness and todays topic was fake or underdosed gear and he mentioned a few things on raw materials, some of you may find this interesting.