Having a high fat diet okay?


Mini Rocky
I'm not much of a carb guy, I do keep my carbs in the range of 180-250, protein 180-200, and my fats sometimes can be from 100-150. Is it alright to have fats high, its pretty good dietary fats. I used to do keto, so have all the left over ketosis foods.
Heard a lot of good things about the keto
diet from friends and family. Have never tried
it myself though.

what are your goals
Depends on your sensitivity to carbs/fat. Personally a high fat diet makes me feel like shit, and puts the scale at a stand still. Can't hurt to give it a shot and see how it works for you. If a good portion of your fat intake is from fish and maybe flax seed oil that would probably be ideal. Personally, I was more of a natural peanut butter/almond butter guy so maybe that was my issue lol. Good luck