HCG Blast clarification


New member
Please clarify/confirm!!
Everyone is saying to take 2000 iu of HCG e2d during post cycle therapy (pct). My syringe only goes to 1000 iu are you saying that I fill and inject 2 entire syringes on Monday Wed and Fri!? Am in PCT now so I need to know if I am doing this wrong and a doctor I was talking to said to do 250 iu twice a week. This is what I used in PCT last time and I recovered fine. Felt like hell for 4 weeks and lost about half my gains over 8 weeks.. Was this probably why?
Please clarify/confirm!!
Everyone is saying to take 2000 iu of HCG e2d during post cycle therapy (pct). My syringe only goes to 1000 iu are you saying that I fill and inject 2 entire syringes on Monday Wed and Fri!? Am in post cycle therapy (pct) now so I need to know if I am doing this wrong and a doctor I was talking to said to do 250 iu twice a week. This is what I used in post cycle therapy (pct) last time and I recovered fine. Felt like hell for 4 weeks and lost about half my gains over 8 weeks.. Was this probably why?

This is what i recommend ON CYCLE to PREVENT testicular atrophy.

Losing your gains and feeling crap could be attributed to may things including diet, lack of rest, poor restart of HPTA..ect.

But to address your point, mix your hCG so you can fit into one syringe. IE: 5000iu of lyophilized hCG reconstituted with 2ml Bac Water will yield 2500iu per ML. So, you'll be able to fit 2000iu hCG into a 1ML syringe easily. And if you transfer and store the reconstituted hCG into a sterile 10ML vial you''ll have no problem running your blast.

Next time, include it on cycle. :)
You can blast it at the end while your waiting for the ester to clear or what not. Its what I did. Some ppl just take the full 5000mcg at the last week before starting post cycle therapy (pct) or take like 1000mcg twice a week while ester is clearing. My plan is 2500mcg The first week of ester clearing and 2500mcg the second week of ester clearing. I have to look more into it though, and get a perfect plan.
Ok cptfknplanet. I have read every word. I am sitting here at my kitchen counter and about to mix. I think im going to wait until someone answers this for me a little more simply so that I can understand. I have a vile of powder Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) it has 2000 iu in it. Where I am getting stuck is that the blast instructions say to take this much in one injection. Is that correct? I have 12 ml of bariostatic water. Do I just put in enough bari water solution to mix the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) then inject it all?
my pharmacy did this before for me so I just did the injections.
I'm not retarded I am just missing something here.

Help a brother out. To follow the blast instructions of 2000 iu e2d. I will take how many mls and mix it with my 2000 iu hcg. Then injuec how many iu e2d.

Please just explain it to me layman style.
I am going to guess based on the instructions that if I take 2ml of bari water and mix with 2000 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that means that I have 1000 iu per ml
and this is where I get stuck. How many iu do I fill the fkin insulin syringe with to equal 2000 iu.
Ok I take it back: I am retarded. I can't make more than what I have.

I was misunderstanding dose with strength because both were measured in "iu". AHHHH HAAAAA....

Some of this stuff just stumps me because I have never had to think about it before. Thanks for putting up with me. Noob face palm. :Pat: OMG I wish I could take back my last post. I guess I could delete it but I am going to leave it up so others don't have to feel dumb too if they made the same mistake.

So what I need is 20,000 iu of the powder. Then I can mix it with say 5 mLs or bariostatic water. That would mean that each mL has 4000 iu of HCG. Take 500 iu of the reconstituted Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and inject it and that would be 2000 iu per injection. FML that is so easy. but just in case... somebody confirm that for me. lol I am totally second guessing myself now.

Or if I wanted to inject less liquid then just take the 20,000 iu of the powder and do 2.5 mL of bariostatic water then inject 230 iu of the liquid. That is correct right?

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