HCG Dilute/Conversion Check Please


New member
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - 10,000UI AMP & Empty "Sterile" 10CC Vile

It's late and I just wanted a mix check 'cause I'm sleepy and need to start tonight.

Version 1:
1CC of Bac.Water goes into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) amp thus making 10,000UI per 1CC. Transfer that 1CC mix into the empty vile, then add another 9CC of Bac.Water thus making 10,000UI per 10CC. This will enable me to take 1000UI/day (1CC) for 10 days.

Version 2:
1CC of Bac.Water goes into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) amp thus making 10,000UI per 1CC. Transfer that 1CC mix into the empty vile, then add another 7CC of Bac.Water thus making 10,000UI per 8CC. This will enable me to take 1000UI/day (.8CC) for 10 days.

I'm thinking Version 2 just so i don't have to inject soo much everyday; or does it really not matter adding 1CC of water into your delts/quads (rotated evenly) everyday? - i personally wouldn't mind, just not sure how the absorbtion rate is day to day with the water.
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Water is absorbed extremely fast. Theres not a big diff between version one and two.

PS I think you would be much better off shooting half that amount.
GearTripper said:
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - 10,000UI AMP & Empty "Sterile" 10CC Vile

It's late and I just wanted a mix check 'cause I'm sleepy and need to start tonight.

Version 1:
1CC of Bac.Water goes into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) amp thus making 10,000UI per 1CC. Transfer that 1CC mix into the empty vile, then add another 9CC of Bac.Water thus making 10,000UI per 10CC. This will enable me to take 1000UI/day (1CC) for 10 days.

Version 2:
1CC of Bac.Water goes into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) amp thus making 10,000UI per 1CC. Transfer that 1CC mix into the empty vile, then add another 7CC of Bac.Water thus making 10,000UI per 8CC. This will enable me to take 1000UI/day (.8CC) for 10 days.

I'm thinking Version 2 just so i don't have to inject soo much everyday; or does it really not matter adding 1CC of water into your delts/quads (rotated evenly) everyday? - i personally wouldn't mind, just not sure how the absorbtion rate is day to day with the water.

It really depends on what your cycle was, how long, doages, etc. But, as 'explode says, really don't need near that much. "Standard" is between 1500-3000 ius ED based upon need.
Re: Re: HCG Dilute/Conversion Check Please

'tensity said:
It really depends on what your cycle was, how long, doages, etc. But, as 'explode says, really don't need near that much. "Standard" is between 1500-3000 ius ED based upon need.

13 week
test @ 500/week
deca @ 300/week

if 1500-3000 ED is "standard"; isn't 1000 ED in the "ok" range? i've only done two shots at 1000, should i drop to a lower amount for the remainder - maybe around 500 til it's all gone? i was only planning 1000 for 10 days... then a 5 day break and then start my clomid with the standard run breakdown 300-100-50.
Re: Re: Re: HCG Dilute/Conversion Check Please

GearTripper said:
13 week
test @ 500/week
deca @ 300/week

if 1500-3000 ED is "standard"; isn't 1000 ED in the "ok" range? i've only done two shots at 1000, should i drop to a lower amount for the remainder - maybe around 500 til it's all gone? i was only planning 1000 for 10 days... then a 5 day break and then start my clomid with the standard run breakdown 300-100-50.

Holy sh#t Gear, I totally misposted and apologize that I haven't checked this in a while. I meant EW rather than ED, sorry about that bro. I think your idea to break it up into 500 would work pretty well, although you have probably already just about finished. My bad on this GT. :mad: