HCG Expiration Dates question

one way step

New member
Hello all,

I have a question regarding the posted expiration date on HCG boxes.

I have two boxes that expire in February. If I were to reconstitute and use these after February, would the lost potency be significant enough to render it ineffective?
No, it's slowly going to degrade and lose it's potency, but it doesn't happen overnight. The date on medicine is usually a conservative estimate to protect the manufacturer from liability, but you should still be good for a few months. Similar to when you buy deli meat, bread, milk, etc. It doesn't always go bad the date of expiration. A lot of factors can effect the degradation of a particular medication, like the manufacturer, how it was stored, etc. Pharm HCG like Pregnyl may be good a little longer than HCG from a compounding pharmacy.
If you make up a bunch of syringes full and freeze them, you will extend their life by quite a bit. Just put your next shot in the fridge the day before you need it and it will be ready to go. If you forget, it only takes a few minutes of rolling it between your fingers to melt it.