hcg help please on test e first cycle


New member
So Im doing a 12 week test e cycle,
0.5mg EOD of arimidex,
Frontload first 2 weeks at 800mg a week,
400mg there after.

2 weeks after start my pct.

Ive read so much about hcg , some people are saying to do it on cycle and some are saying to do it in the 2 week gal leading up to pct.

What i want to know is which is the Best to do and how much per week!? Please clear this up for me.
250iu ever Monday and Thursday with your shot.

Hcg 500iu per week 10 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct
Kevlarcash pretty much hit the nail on the head, although I am wondering why he suggested only running for 10 when your cycle is 12? But everything else he said is bang on the money.

Its a heavily debated topic man. Some people will say you dont need it till your third cycle or so which is when one would start to hit heavier compounds. Then there are others that think it is better to be proactive then reactive and use it the whole way through.

IMO if you can afford it then run it, it will only help get everything back to normal and create potential for you to keep as much of those hard earned gained as possible.

Just curious, what are you stats? (age, training history, etc.)