New member
Hey guys, so ive got a question about pct, and I'd like some input from here. Iv researched this thoroughly, but I still get a ton of conflicting answers. When it comes to pct, how should HCG be used? Essentially, i've gotten three different answers. 1). for the 10 days pre PCT, but 10 days post final injection(or 3 days for short esters). 2). Only for 4 weeks late cycle (think week 9-13 or so of a 16 week cycle). 3). not at all, use only SERMs (HCG only should be used if noticeable testicular atrophy has occurred/you really fucked up). Which of these is ideal in your eyes?
Also, if you guys would indulge me, my curiosity is pertaining to a long term cycle (about 34 weeks or so without coming off entirely, though I wasnt high dose the whole time). Im now attempting to come off entirely, for at least a year or two. I haven't experienced any testicular atrophy (at least that I've been able to notice). I used hcg for 5 weeks (1000/week) maybe two months ago, mid cycle. Should I follow the first protocol and wait 10 days, then blast hcg for 10, then clomid/nolva for 5-6 weeks? Or is the third protocol (10 days then just nolva/clomid for 5 weeks) more effective? Time is a bit of a factor here, the faster the better, although I also need to get my test back to normal as effectively as possible. Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on the ideal protocol overall, the ideal one for someone who's test doesn't APPEAR to have been shut down at all (I was down to cruising on 100mgs of test/wk and still felt great, plus no ball shrinkage), how hcg fits into differing protocols, and how necessary/effective you think it is.
A lot of questions i know, but every site seems to give a different answer, and i hope any answers might help anyone else looking for an ideal PCT protocol as well. Thanks as always everyone!
Also, if you guys would indulge me, my curiosity is pertaining to a long term cycle (about 34 weeks or so without coming off entirely, though I wasnt high dose the whole time). Im now attempting to come off entirely, for at least a year or two. I haven't experienced any testicular atrophy (at least that I've been able to notice). I used hcg for 5 weeks (1000/week) maybe two months ago, mid cycle. Should I follow the first protocol and wait 10 days, then blast hcg for 10, then clomid/nolva for 5-6 weeks? Or is the third protocol (10 days then just nolva/clomid for 5 weeks) more effective? Time is a bit of a factor here, the faster the better, although I also need to get my test back to normal as effectively as possible. Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on the ideal protocol overall, the ideal one for someone who's test doesn't APPEAR to have been shut down at all (I was down to cruising on 100mgs of test/wk and still felt great, plus no ball shrinkage), how hcg fits into differing protocols, and how necessary/effective you think it is.
A lot of questions i know, but every site seems to give a different answer, and i hope any answers might help anyone else looking for an ideal PCT protocol as well. Thanks as always everyone!