HCG throughout cycle or only last weeks


New member
Hey, I am planning on doing a 10 week test e only cycle. I have everything sorted out except for the hcg.

My two options are:
-run 500ui/week of hcg throughout all the cycle
-run 1000ui/week of hcg last 5 weeks of my cycle

What would be best to do?

Thank you
Hey, I am planning on doing a 10 week test e only cycle. I have everything sorted out except for the hcg.

My two options are:
-run 500ui/week of hcg throughout all the cycle
-run 1000ui/week of hcg last 5 weeks of my cycle

What would be best to do?s

Thank you

Go ahead and lay out your full cycle including ai and pct. also give us your cycle history and stats.

Hcg @ 250iu 2x/wk throughout the cycle. Blasting at the end is old school and not as effective.
Ten weeks of test e is a little on the short side. Read the beginner cycle stickys for info on your test cycle..
Thanks for your reply. This will be my first cycle ever, my stats are: 27 years old, 6 years lifting, 6ft, 200lb and 12% bf. My cycle will be, as I said, 500mg test e for 10 weeks taken with hcg 500iu. For pct Im doing the standard of nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50.

I still do not know what dose of adex I should take, what would you recommend?