Head Hair Loss Debate, Seems to be a Hot Topic


New member
So from all the websites I visit there seems to be many opinions on this matter. Id like to hear what everyone thinks about it. Opinions, facts, etc.

I will share my thoughts and experience. I am very new to TRT. In fact I just started Test Cyp 160mg a week, 0.4ml twice a week. Im on my 9th week. Since this post is about hair this is what ive noticed. First couple of weeks I didn't notice much however around week 4 or 5 I started noticing hair on my hands in the shower. Now I see this every time i wash my hair. Also, if I run my hands through my hair, i generally pull out anywhere from 2 to 4 hair, every time.

Also usually a few hairs on the pillow every morning, not many at all but a few.This being said it has me a little worried. I am 41 and have had no signs of MPB at all. Mothers father had a full head of hear, Fathers father was indeed bald, Father has full hair as well as both of my brothers. I have two thoughts on this. One, I somehow kicked in some inherited MPB with my Test going over what is normal for me therefore increasing my DHT and causing my hair to start falling out. My other theory is that maybe with the hormone changes that my body is going through there is some kind of adjustment period and it has caused some shedding, I dont know.

Third, which i think is highly unlikely is that im very stressed about it and all the worrying is causing me to lose my hair. Look, Im not gonna lie. Im vain, I like the way I look, I like the way I look with hair and personally I think I would look very strange bald. I dont want to go on Propecia / finasteride. Id really like to hear some good opinions and stories. On the flip side, I feel great with TRT. Much better mood, more even keeled, happy and confident. It has also made me a healthier person since im much more conscious about what I eat and how I treat my body.

One other think, my Test before starting this was in the normal range, albeit on the low side of normal. However, I am a little overweight. My follow up with the doc is on Wed of next week. Im either gonna quit which in that case Sunday will be my last dose and then the doc will put me on some HCG or im gonna stick with it. Sorry for the long winded post. Thanks in advance guys.
Hmm. How about all the above are possible?

The theory behind genetic predisposition to MPB has actually been changed to where you just need X amount of recessive genes matching up, which can come from either of your parents. However, many do notice *some* degree of shedding as the body adjusts.

Stress is the number one cause of ailments known to man, no joke. It can cause heart attacks, stroke, balding (temporary), even graying of your hair. One of my best friends literally went salt and pepper the night his first child was born - it's really that powerful.

You can get a blood test checking DHT, but in all honesty, if you're prone - TRT is just speeding up the inevitable. I wholeheartedly agree that androgen blockers aren't the best option as they carry many side effects of their own, which may be worse than balding itself.

I'd give it some time and see if the trend continues. If you are indeed exhibiting signs of MPB, I'd look into Nizoral shampoos or the like.

My .02c :)
I always thought loosing your hair wouldn't be a big deal, but I stressed over it at the very beginning. I'm still very new to this, but I think the area I previewed as thinning is likely no different then before I started. Either that or it stopped. I never noticed hair in the shower or on my pillow, but I was convinced it was thinning initially. I'm also in a much better place overall, and haven't had this much sex with my wife in a decade. So, maybe i just don't care. Either way my perception is that it's stable now.
I had a pretty bad initial shed for the first week or two but it stopped and now I'm about 14 weeks into TRT I do have a hair or two come out when I run my hands through my hair. Notice nothing on the pillow, and a few when I shampoo.

I'm 33 and have always had a FULL head of hair. The thing is I have long hair, as in pony tail length. I was freaking out, but every girl I talked to said they constantly have hairs everywhere, on the sink, in their hands when they shampoo, in their brush, on their sweater shoulders.

I've also read that on average everyone loses hundreds of hairs a day and the longer your hair the more noticeable.

So I'm not stressing about it. However I do feel the same as you, vain and know I would look weird bald. So if I do notice any big changes I would have a hard decision to make.

Oh and one other thing, all of my friends who are bald said they can remember the day they knew it was happening. All of a sudden there were tons of hairs on their pillow and handfuls would come out in the shower and when they ran through their hair. So I really don't know.
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