
i gained 15lbs. on it on a six week cycle and kept all of my gains and have added to them... and my body fat dropped from 7 to 6... it is fcking awesome bro... if ran properly you can get so much out it...
i gained 15lbs. on it on a six week cycle and kept all of my gains and have added to them... and my body fat dropped from 7 to 6... it is fcking awesome bro... if ran properly you can get so much out it...


i gained 22lbs on 5 weeks though my BF stayed the same or went up a bit - not much. strength was huge.

Hdrol is the shit. best part is i have had zero sides while on (besides the shutdown obv).

i gained 22lbs on 5 weeks though my BF stayed the same or went up a bit - not much. strength was huge.

Hdrol is the shit. best part is i have had zero sides while on (besides the shutdown obv).

nice work bro... there's a big misconception that because it is more "mild" that its not as strong as other things... the "mild" has to do with the sides associated with it, not the effects themselves... helladrol is the truth! if you run this cycle right, you can get more out of it than a lot of others!
I personally have not tried Helladrol yet but i plan to, If it get's me more size gain than Epi i will be a super happy meathead haha

I ate like crazy on Epi too, i think if your slamming down food and training hard you could gain a bunch of size on Hella.

LOL - it took a lot of eating i'll tell you that much - but there were also some other variables in there like i was coming off of training BJJ for a few hours a day (my instructor left) and went back to dedicated weights instead of being a cardio/plyo monkey so i was bound to gain some weight back from that i think.
hella drol is a much better all around PH than beast IMO. recomp, bulk, whatever with it.

beast....pretty much just bulker
I personally have not tried Helladrol yet but i plan to, If it get's me more size gain than Epi i will be a super happy meathead haha

I ate like crazy on Epi too, i think if your slamming down food and training hard you could gain a bunch of size on Hella.


I noticed Epi got me SUPER strong....and leaned me up

With Hella I got a little stronger but had more of a recomp effect than the epi