Help!! Bad advice and planning


New member
Let me start by saying i am 5' 10" 250 (pre cycle) and 270 currently. I have been in the gym for 3.5 years working on proper form and techniques.

I Got seriously bad advice and started a horrible cycle without research. My co-worker got me started on my first cycle. He said "nothing to it." Started on 100mg winny daily @100mg/ml 20ml bottle till gone. Then had me start test e 250 mg twice a week for 6 weeks then 750 mg a week till finnished @100mg/ml 20ml next he said i should use tren to burn the fat (38.74 bmi here). I am now on tren since finnishing the test @100mg twice a week. And am about halfway through a 20ml bottle @ 100mg/ml. I have had 0 side effects (so far). And strength has actually gone down with my sex drive since about a week after coming off of the test.
I know some of the admins are gritting their teeth reading this because it is not the way this is supposed to be done.

At this time i have only the tren on hand and 50$ toward pct or whatever is recomended.

I need to know the safest way for me to come off of this cycle so i can do some real research and have a successful cycle when i am actually ready to do it again.

Thx for reading
Sounds like your co worker was just trying to palm off excessive gear on you.

Ok so You say you have had no side effects? When was the last time you got wood? Exactly..... Now you need PCT asap.

HCG nolvadex and clomid. I know you have a budget but if you can't afford it you will need to beg or borrow of you don't have enough funds. And do yourself a favour. Don't get the pct from your co worker.
First shoot your co-worker. Never do Winstrol alone and it is usually used at the end of a cycle. This was very bad advice.

You need to educate yourself. Do some reading on here. All the sticky's will help you get some knowledge about AAS. It has a few suggestion for 1st cycles.

Learn about estrogen and the side effects. Read the steroid profiles so you know more about what some of the compounds are used for by their nature. There is a lot to learn before you venture in this.
Wow. He is no friend indeed. He seriously fucked you over. Let me guess, you bought the gear from him too?

Your body is crying for testosterone right now. Your Natty T is shut down and you are not putting any exogenous test back in you. This also means your body cannot produce estrogen -- men do need some estrogen to be healthy.

As for PCT you can order clomid and nolva from RUI. Their ad is found at the top of your screen. Do you know how to run PCT?

hCG would be nice as well if you can get your hands on it. You would run that before PCT starts, but not during PCT.
Ok. Wood... 10 mins ago and still regularly happening. Thats not an issue. I just dgaf about sex right now and thats a weird feeling to have wood and not want to use it. I forgot to mention tho that the gear was purchased through somone he knew. (Home brews). Also the only results i have really seen from any of this was some awesome vascularity and a little bit of road rage.
So do i continue with the last 10ml of tren i have and order pct while i wait for it to finnish, or just stop now and wait for it to get here? Then which pct do i use. I have read that nolvadex can have bad sides after tren.
Stop what your doing! Wtf kinda question was that? The nolva and tren thing is all broscience bullshit. Run,nolva and clomid ASAP!!!
Ok. Wood... 10 mins ago and still regularly happening. Thats not an issue. I just dgaf about sex right now and thats a weird feeling to have wood and not want to use it. I forgot to mention tho that the gear was purchased through somone he knew. (Home brews). Also the only results i have really seen from any of this was some awesome vascularity and a little bit of road rage.

Road rage sounds like you let your estrogen get too high and testosterone too low.
So do i continue with the last 10ml of tren i have and order pct while i wait for it to finnish, or just stop now and wait for it to get here? Then which pct do i use. I have read that nolvadex can have bad sides after tren.

Like Tbone said, stop and start PCT three weeks after your last injection.

In the future don't use drugs you don't understand. You are going to be lucky if you HPTA starts working again and you don't have gyno.
Ok thx guys. I was very concerned about what to do and have gotten mixed advice from "former users" at the gym. I will keep the tren around but stop using till i have done proper research and planning.
Btw the road rage was in the firat couple weeks of winny. But it was the happiest road rage ever. It kinda scared me to be honest. Like i wanted to pull idiots out of their car and beat them but i wasnt angry. I was happy about it. I know it doesnt really matter but wanted to share that. I just need to start pct and stop the nonsense cycle i started
Btw the road rage was in the firat couple weeks of winny. But it was the happiest road rage ever. It kinda scared me to be honest. Like i wanted to pull idiots out of their car and beat them but i wasn't angry. I was happy about it. I know it doesn't really matter but wanted to share that. I just need to start pct and stop the nonsense cycle i started

make sure to stay away from everyone next time you start again.