help cutting


New member
im 18 years old, about 5'3 only weihging 61kgs "135pound" probably about 15-16% body fat.

The goal is to completley lean down to get real defined. maybe somewhere around 9-10% body fat?

6:30am – oatmeal, protein shake

8:30am - Cardio
9:00am - protein shake

11am chicken breast,vegies

2pm – low fat Yoghurt, apple

4:30pm - Workout

PWO - protein shake, Peanut butter sandwich

8pm – Steak, veggies

9:30pm - protein shake

this adds up to around 165gram protein roughly around 45carbs im not to sure how much calories.

-l think in the diet l might be under eating? shoul l add extra protein/carb meal in it maybe??

-im gettin my carbs in after my wehigt training with the peanut butter and bread but peanut butter also has alot of fat. I put the peanut butter in jsut to have some fats in my diet...should l change wat i eat for PWO and squash in the sandwich somewhere else?

-should l add in something else in breakfest time like an apple?

thanks :)
do cardio on an empty stomach, if you have a pro/carb shake before youll just be using the carbs for engery, not stored fat.

eat some real food and not 11 protein shakes a day.

no peanut butter PWO.

also get some EFAs in there like olive oil, almonds, ground flaxseeds, etc.

get in around 1600-1700 calories a day
Get rid of the 6:30am shake&oatmeal!!!!
Cardio big time!
I recommend doing 3 things bike,stairclimer,elpitical & run.
If you do 15 min on each by the time you are finished it will only seem like a 1/2 hr when in reality it has been 45min:)
2pm have oatmeal & apple if you like but DISS the peanut butter sandwich!!!
Bread was called the white death by Arnold!
l have to eat in the mourning because it takes me over an hour to get to class soo before class time i do my cardio?
and what is something quikcly l can have for a PWO meal cause once agian ..l train where my class is and then takes me over an hour to get home